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ryebread is typing...

ryebread: oh my god

ryebread: you're alive

ryebread: bren im crying

ryebread: i was so worried about you. you have no idea.

ryebread: please come home.

bread is typing...

ryebread: brendon please finish typing

ryebread: i'm shaking and i don't know what to do

ryebread: where are you??

bread is typing...

bread: please leave me alone. you're making this harder than it already is.

ryebread: are you going to come back when i move in with pete?!?

bread: i was going to

bread: but now i'm not

ryebread: brendon..

ryebread: where are you going to live??

bread: you don't need to know.

ryebread: please tell me

ryebread: god please just tell me

ryebread: we can meet up and talk this out, bren

bread: I said no. I'm living with someone else and nothing you say is going to change that. I'm happy here without and the others constantly hurting my self-esteem.

ryebread: fuck, bren

ryebread: i really fucking messed up

ryebread: look

ryebread: you're my best friend

ryebread: did you read all of my messages?

bread: I did.

ryebread: didn't they mean something to you? i was pouring my heart into the messages, i swear. i really want you to come back. i care about you too much to let you just go like that.

bread: They don't mean anything to me. I don't care about you or your feelings anymore. I never liked you anyway.

ryebread: ...what??

bread: Just shut up. Move in with Pete and don't fucking tell my mom. Honestly, go live on the streets for all I care. Just don't communicate with me.

ryebread: bren...are you being serious?

bread: Do I seem like I'm joking? Jesus Christ, I didn't think it was that hard to understand. Do I have to dumb it down for you, George?

ryebread: first of all, don't fucking call me george. never fucking call me george. you know that it's my dad's name. second of all, you're being really hypocritical right now. you ran away because i was mean by accident and now you're just flat out being mean to me...i'm just really confused and hurt right now, brendon

bread: "First of all, don't fucking call me George", what the hell? Your name is George, fucking deal with it. I don't give a shit about your dad or whatever, and I. Don't. Care. About. Your. Feelings. Let me dumb it down for you: go away, don't text me, Brendon Boyd Urie, or I will block you. Dumbass.

ryebread: what the fuck is your problem?!

bread has blocked you. You can no longer send direct messages to this person. 

Ryan didn't sleep that night. He cried nonstop, shaking constantly, and he felt like he was going to throw up. He thought his dad had hurt him before, but somehow this felt worse.

a/n: leave some comments if you want more chapters uwu

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