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"Are you sure you can come in with me?" Spencer asks as they pull into Dallon's driveway. Ryan unbuckles himself and throws open the door before Spencer can even turn the car off. "Ryan!"

Ryan ignores Spencer and stomps up to the door and pounds on it. "I know you're in there!"

Spencer runs up behind Ryan, out of breath. "You're crazy, Ryan, I swear."

The door opens to reveal a very tall, lanky man. Ryan thought he was tall, but this guy was at least five inches taller than him. He was like a giant. Ryan suddenly felt fear rush through his mind. "Who are you?" Dallon asks, twisting his nose up in disgust.

Ryan stands up straight and tries to seem tough, but he's still at least four inches shorter. "Ryan Ross. I'm here to-"

"Ah, George," Dallon smiles, "nice to finally meet you."

"It's Ryan," Ryan growls. "Where's Brendon?"

"Brendon?" Dallon asks like he's clueless. "I haven't seen him in years, pal."

"Yeah, right," Ryan says, pushing past him. Spencer follows, glaring at Dallon.

"Um...come on in?" Dallon says. "I really haven't seen him. I don't know what he's up to nowadays."

Ryan stands up on his tiptoes and gets in Dallon's face. "Listen up, giraffe legs," he growls. "I know that you have Brendon and if you don't tell me where he is, I'll call the cops on you."

Spencer comes out of the other room. "I don't see him anywhere, Ry..."

"I told you," Dallon says smugly, pushing Ryan back down to his regular height. "Listen, munchkin, I don't have the kid. Got it? Now get out of my house."

Spencer walks into another room and Ryan follows.

"Do you guys not understand what I'm saying? Do I have to dumb it down for you?" Dallon asks, following them into the room. "He's not here. Now go bye-bye."

Ryan groans and grab's Spencer's arm. He tugs him out of the room. "Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" Dallon calls as Ryan slams the door open.

"What was that?!" Spencer exclaims. "I could've sworn that it was Dallon! Ry, I'm so sorry that I got your hopes up, I just—"

"Spencer," Ryan says sternly. "Didn't you hear him? 'Do I have to dumb it down for you'? That's exactly what he said in the messages! Brendon is in there, but he's hiding somewhere we can't go."

"You're right!" Spencer exclaims. "But how are we going to get Brendon?"

Ryan thinks for a minute. "He hasn't blocked you, right?"

"Not that I know of," Spencer mumbles, checking his phone. "Nope."

"Message him and say that we're at the slushie shop waiting for him. Then, we'll drive your car down the block so he thinks we're gone and then we'll sneak in and see Brendon."

"'Cause that sounds easy," Spencer scoffs.

"I know, right? Now, let's do it," Ryan exclaims, then gets quiet. "I really miss him..."

a/n: do you think dallon is telling the truth?
do you think spencer and ry's plan will work?

When the Moon Fell in Love With the Sun {ryden kik}Where stories live. Discover now