Chapter Forty Two

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"Here's what's going to happen," He began, gliding his hands together

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"Here's what's going to happen," He began, gliding his hands together. "We're going to-"

"Hold up," I put a hand out, my heart still beating from the shock. "I'm going to need a bit of time to recover. And some answers."

A perplexed expression came across his face. "What do you want to know?"

"Tell me about the whole werewolf thing," I said, trying to get used to the word.


That's when I realized something.

Jacob was a werewolf?

That's ironic.

"Your little friends are a part of a pack that I've gotten into a little disagreement with about boundaries," He said. "We three aren't a part of anything like a pack. We just go where we want. But unfortunately, Carson's brother is the head of the pack, and he decided that I'm not welcome in their territory anymore. And that's where you come in."

The guy leaned closer into me, and I tried my very best not to flinch or lean back.

"There's got to be some way to get rid of him. His pack is small. Very small. And it shouldn't be that hard, so I'm going to need your help."

"My help?!" I exclaimed. "I literally know nothing about any of this! What do you want ME to do?!"

He went on as if I hadn't spoken. "You're going to be our little spy."

"Heck no I'm not!" I exclaimed.

"How about if you don't, I'll kill that little blonde friend of yours from earlier?"

"What were you saying about spying? I love spying."

"That's more like it," He nodded. "I need you to find out what their weaknesses are. Snoop around a bit, and see what you can find. Then meet me back here at twelve tomorrow."

"How am I supposed to escape a third time?" I protested. "This is hard stuff you're talking about!"

Suddenly, his fist shot out and grabbed the front of my shirt, yanking me threateningly close.

"I don't care how you do it, just get it done!" He hissed, a bit of spit landing on my shirt.

I looked down at the droplet. "You just spit on me."

"And if you tell anyone about this, everyone will die. Now GO!" He shouted, shoving me back.

So I went.

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