Hayley was a freshman at NYU, following her dreams. Sure she was broke and currently living off of ramen noodles, but she was determined to let nothing stand in her way.
Aileen was crazy. A self-proclaimed thug, she lived life hard and without regre...
A large grin settled on my face, and I said, "I like the sound of that."
"I'll say one more time if you really want," He winked at me.
I laughed and went back to looking out the window. My mind began mulling over the events of these past couple weeks. "This has been quite the adventure, hasn't it?"
"Quite," he agreed.
"A lot has happened, huh?"
"A lot," He nodded.
"I'm really in love with you, aren't I?"
"Really," he responded automatically. Then his eyes widened as he realized what I'd just said, and he accidentally served into the lane next to us, earning a beep from another car.
He gained control of the vehicle, and then looked over at me.
"What did you just say?" He asked, and I almost laughed at his face.
"I'm in love with you," I told him.
"Say it again," he said immediately.
I reached over and turned his head back to the road with my hands. "Let's not get into an accident, ok?"
He snorted, "How do you expect me to focus when you've just dropped the L bomb on me!"
"Just try," I rolled my eyes.
A moment of silence passed as he tried really hard to keep his eyes on the road.
Finally he said, "I really want to kiss you right now. It's incredibly distracting."
"If you do I'll break up with you," I warned.
"Because we're dating," He grinned to himself.
"Exactly," I agreed.
The look on his face was so happy I felt emotional.
"If this is a dream, I never want to wake up," He said aloud, focusing on driving.
"It's not a dream," I told him. "You want to know how I know?"
"If this were a dream, we wouldn't be getting pulled over right now."
He frowned and looked over at me in confusion. "What?"
I pointed to his review mirror, and he finally seemed to notice the blaring siren and flashing lights behind us.
Carson cursed colorfully.
"Why is it always us?" I wondered aloud, and Carson continued his stream of choice words.
As he pulled over, I watched the policeman, Jeff, walk over to our car.
I wonder if he was as tired of seeing as as we were of him.
Carson reluctantly rolled down the window.
Jeff was standing next to our car with his arms crossed, and a large scowl on his face.
"Your friend still hasn't called me," he said.
Carson and I exchanged a look.
"Uh... sorry?" Carson said, looking back at Jeff, not really sure how to respond.
"Sorry doesn't get me a date, now does it?" Jeff grouched.
I felt thoroughly confused.
Carson looked around awkwardly. "So... is that all?"
"Yes, that's it," Jeff said. "Tell her to call me."
I raised my eyebrows. #Desperate.
With that, Jeff turned around and walked back to his cop car.
"That was odd," Carson noted.
I simply nodded.
He pulled back onto the main road and we continued on with our conversations.
"That is one thing I won't miss," I told him, referring to Jeff.
"I wish I could say the same," He sighed.
Camille was lucky she was moving!
"In a strange way, I'll miss living with you," I said aloud, reflecting on time we had had together.
"That's a good sign!" He said happily.
"That being said, I'm kind of sad to leave," I added, a bit downcast.
"Don't be," He told me. "We will still see each other all the time."
"No, it's not that," I said. "Now I have to learn."