Chapter 4

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It was morning, all the Newsies were by the gate, all kind of drowsy. None of them got a good sleep due to the lumberjack strike. All the Newsies were crammed close waiting for the headline. "Here it comes." Buttons said grouchy.
The headline read. "Lumberjack strike heading into first week." "Doesn't sound like its gonna end anytime soon." Mush sighed.
The Delancey brothers then walked up to the gate. All the newsies were quiet. "What's wrong got nothing ta Say?" Oscar mocked.
The newsies just looked at the brothers in silence, none of them felt up for a fight.
"Papes for the newsies!" Weasel yelled.
Y/N put down 25 cents. "Fifty papes." She muttered.
"Fifty?" Morris asked.
"Youse heard me, fifty." Y/N repeated.
Morris handed Y/N fifty papers.
"Same as da goil." Race said putting down 25 cents.
"What's with you all? Fifty papers instead of 100? You want to sleep on the streets?" Weasel asked.
All the newsies looked at each other in confusion. "We's already sleep on da streets." Albert said.
"In a worse neighbourhood." Weasel added.
"Look with da lumberjack strike, there's gonna be a lack of paper, which means lack of papes. So ta preserve da papes we's buying less." Jack explained.
"Can't the company get paper from further though?" Oscar asked.
Morris hit Oscar on the head. "No you dim wit. Pulitzer and Hertz's company is cheep, they only get paper locally. And I doubt they'll buy any further then that." He explained.
"Yeah and since they's only gonna but locally, we's gonna havta do something bout it." Someone piped up.
Everyone looked around, it didn't sound like one of the newsies.
"Yeah, look out Manhattan, Flemington's here." A boy said.
Everyone looked over at a small group. There were about ten of them.
"And who da hell are you?" Jack asked walking up the the guy in the front.
"Names Buckles Hamlon. A newsie from Flemington." Buckles said introducing himself.
"What is youse doing here?" Jack asked puffing out his chest to intimidate Buckles, who was quite small.
"Taking ya papes." Buckles admitted with a devious smile.
"What for?" Jack asked with a raised eyebrow.
"We's gonna run out of papes sooner or later, so might as well take some extras to help us out."
"Well I'm sorry, but we can't do that." Jack said.
"Who said I asked for your permission?" Buckles asked snapping his fingers.
Just like that the ten of them ran in and started to grab newspapers. This obviously commenced a fight. Y/N was sent into a frenzy. She couldn't tell up from down. Then she remembered Les. He was just a kid, she had to find him.  Then she spotted him, hiding behind a stack of papers. Y/N started to run towards him, but not until she was stopped by one of the Flemington newsies.
I do not have time for this Y/N thought.
Y/N socked the newsie in the jaw and kicked him in the ribs. Y/N ran by to Les. She quickly approached him, picking him up and bringing him far away the fight. "You run back ta ya family's house. Youse hear me?" Y/N asked.
Les nodded his head before running off. Y/N ran back to the square and sure enough the fighting hadn't stopped. The rest of the fight was a blur, but Y/N did take a few hits. One to her right eye and another kick at the leg.
That night when all the newsies requited back to the centre They counted heads just to make sure everyone was there.
Jack stood on a table. "Racetrack?" He asked.
"Here." Race responded.
"Jojo, Buttons, Smalls, Finch, Albert, Henry, Davey, Les, Romeo, Tommy Boy, Mush, Y/N?"
"Here!" The who lot of newsies said in unison.
"Eh, I think that's it. Oh wait! Crutchie! Crutchie!" Jack called worried.
"I's here Jack." Crutchie yelled raising his crutch.
Jack let out a sigh.
"How many papes did they take?" Mush asked.
"A whole stack, I check." Albert answered.
"Well what's we's supposed ta do? If Buckles and his gang can take our papes, What gonna stop others doing da same?" Romeo asked.
"Like Brooklyn." Finch said barely above a whisper.
Everyone shuttered. Just the thought that Brooklyn might try to hurt any of them filled them all with worry.
"I has a plan." Jack piped up.
Everyone gathered around Jack.
"I'll tawk ta Weasel and ask him him ta move our papes to da centre here. The others won't have a clue that there here."
"Yeah and what if he says no?" Davey asked.
"Davey, Davey, Davey." Jack said walking over to Davey.
"I has my ways." Jack said cracking his knuckles.
Davey tensed up a little bit.
"What happens when they find our papes?" Romeo asked.
"We's gonna havta keep moving them." Jack replied.
"Doesn't sound that well thought out." Davey mumbled.
"But putting dat aside put all ya money on da table." Jack said getting off the table.
Davey then grabbed Les's hand and lead him out of the centre.
"Jack there was a fight. None of us made money." Specs said.
Jack rolled his eyes. "All ya money from yesterday is what I meant."
Everyone put their hard earned coins on the wobbly table.
After much debate as to who should count and hand out the money everyone thought Smalls was the most reliable.
After everyone got there 25 cents everyone headed in for the night.
Y/N's body ached. She got kicked hard in her right leg and knocked a little in her left eye, but nothing to bad.
The only thing Y/N could think about that night was, if Flemington could cause that much damage, what might Brooklyn do?

A/N Well this chapter is absolute garbage. Sorry hope the next chapter is better. Thanks for reading
The Author

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