Chapter 11

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"Knock, knock sweetie get up." Racetrack said through Y/N's door.
"I's isn't ya sweetie Race!" Y/N shot back.
"Jus get up okay?" Racetrack added.
Y/N groaned as she got dressed.
Y/N walked out of her room. "Move!" Mike and Ike yelled running by.
"Jeez." Y/N mumbled.
"Hey Y/N." Crutchie smiled hobbling down the stairs.
Y/N's face lit up. "Hey Crutchie." Y/N responded.
"Ya sleep well?" Crutchie asked with concern in his voice.
"Slept jus fine." Y/N answered with a smile on her face.
"Hey newsies!" Oscar yelled.
Everyone ran down the stairs to see Oscar and Morris tied up with all of the Brooklyn newsies surrounding them. "Well, well newsies of Manhattan we meet again." Spot said.
Jack moved up to the front. "Oh and would ya look at dat. The infamous Jack Kelly." Spot added.
"Cut da small tawk, I heard ya boys beat up on us last time ya stuck your nose around here." Jack said snarling his nose.
"Yeah and ya know what, we'll do it again need be. Take these boys for instance." Spot said pointing to the Delancey brothers.
"If youse don't give us ya papes we'll beat up ya friends here." Spot added.
"Pfft, go ahead and beat 'em they aren't friends of ours." Jack spat back.
"I'm hurt." Oscar mumbled under his breath.
"Oh, really then? Let 'em go boys." Spot commanded as the newsies watched the brothers run away.
"So if spicing things up has no effect on you. Then why don't we jus go back to the basics." Spot said snapping his fingers.
At once the newsies of Brooklyn ran at Manhattan newsies, likes they'd done a week back.
Y/N looked at Les. Like many times before it was her primary job to get him to safety. Y/N picked up Les and looked to Crutchie mouthing run.
She had to get Les to safety, but she worried about Crutchie just as much.
Y/N took off, running up the stairs. She brought him to a balcony with a latter leading downward. "Get out of here." Y/N said leaving him once Les nodded his head.
Y/N walked out, but to only be met with a Brooklyn newsie. Y/N froze. "Well, well what do we have here." The newsie said grabbing the collar of  Y/N's shirt.
"W-whatcha gonna do." Y/N chocked trying to free herself.
"You is gonna be example to all the newsies of New York that youse can't mess with a Brooklyn." The newsie explained tightening his grip.
"Let her go."
Y/N turned her head to see Crutchie with a anger looked spread across his face.
"What will ya trade me ta do so?" The newsie asked.
"Me. Let me be the example, not her."
Crutchie moved closer. "It ain't right ta treat a goil like dat."
The newsie let go of Y/N letting herself fall to the ground. Y/N tried to say something, but she could tell there was no point in saying or doing anything. "Well then move it ya crip." The newsie shoved Crutchie.
Crutchie stumbled a little on his bad leg.
"Damn my leg." He huffed under his breath.
Get up you idiot do something Y/N screamed at herself running after the two.
Once she has gotten to the bottom though everyone was gone. Everyone was lying around in pain and Crutchie was gone.
Jack walked over to Y/N in a panic. "Where's Crutchie?"
"They took him." Y/N hesitantly responded.
Jack took his cap and trough it to the ground.
Y/N could feel tears building up. She took off to her room.
She slammed the door and felt the tears fall. She ferociously wiped them away as she slid to the ground. "What's wrong with me!?" Y/N yelled.
I didn't even do anything to stop him from taking Crutchie. I sat there like a idiot!
Y/N hugged herself feeling more tears fall. "Why is it every time I get close to someone something has ta happen ta them?"
Y/N sat there the rest of the day, until nightfall when a idea popped in her head on how to get Crutchie back. "That's it." Y/N said to herself as she made her way to the window.
Don't worry Crutch I'm coming to save you.
A/N I'm so tired. I'm trying to split time between what story I'm writing and it's killing me, but thanks for reading anyways and getting me over 200 reads.
The Author

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