Chapter 14

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"Lumberjack strike closing!" Y/N yelled as something handed her a dime for the paper.
Y/N sighed as she took the paper. It was her last paper, she headed back to the Lodging centre, if you could even call it that. The centre in The Bronx was more so a old restaurant that was abandoned. Y/N was one of three girls that were newsies so they all shared the same space. The newsies in the Bronx were glum, they didn't talk much to each other, it was nothing compared to Manhattan. Y/N missed Manhattan, but she knew she couldn't go back, so now she was here and seemed to be here to stay.

Crutchie laid awake, he couldn't sleep, not with the knowledge that Y/N wasn't around. Crutchie stood up and looked out across the city. "We'll find her Crutch, I promise ya dat." Jack said walking over to Crutchie.
Crutchie sighed. "Ya know I let myself get taken away, right?"
"What?" Jack asked.
"Yeah, they was gonna take Y/N away and I couldn't let dat happen, so I convinced them ta take me, I knew I'd probably get out of there once da strike settled, so it wasn't really a issue. But now. I'm sure she came ta trade my freedom for her capture." Crutchie said.
"Why are ya so concerned with Y/N getting captured by Brooklyn?" Jack asked.
"Because I'm a guy, she's a goil. Who knows what they'd do to her." Crutchie answered.
Crutchie stopped to think, then a idea hit him. "Jack I got ta go." Crutchie said starting to get dressed.
"Whoah, what for. Oh wait you'd better not be going to ask them to take you in to free her." Jack said.
"No, I'm jus gonna ask if they know where she." Crutchie said before making his way down the stairs.
Crutchie made his way to the Brooklyn Lodging centre where he found a thin newsie. "Hey!" Crutchie yelled getting the guy to look at him.
"Now before ya try ta punch out my lights, I need ta ask if ya seen a short ish goil with h/c wearing newsie clothes, but no cap." Crutchie said.
"Yeah as a matter of fact two days ago a goil like dat came by." The newsie answered.
"Which way did she go?" Crutchie asked.
"I's think she was heading ta da Bronx." The newsie answered.
"Thank ya." Crutchie said before hobbling off.
Crutchie had a million thoughts swirling through his head. Was she ok? Why did she leave? Was it her who set her free? But mainly was she ok?
Y/N stood on the sidewalk with her papers, it was a little cloudy and cold so Y/N was wearing all the layers she had. Y/N had also obtained a newsie cap while she was in the Bronx, she didn't want anyone to think she was weird or for a Manhattan newsie to recognize her.
Y/N was minding her own business when she heard someone yelling. "Excuse me!"
Y/N turned to see Crutchie? Upon looking at the the boy more she realized it really was Crutchie. Y/N pulled her cap down to his her face and turned her head away. Why the hell is he here? Y/N thought.
"Excuse me! Have you seen a shortish newsie with h/c and boys clothes?" Crutchie asked.
Y/N shook her head, not daring to say anything to give herself away. "Ok, thanks anyways." Crutchie said before hobbling off.
Y/N let out a sigh of relief, but only a couple seconds later did Crutchie come back.
"Hold on a minute, look at me for a second." Crutchie said.
Shit he's caught on.
Y/N didn't know what to do, so she took off running. Crutchie ran after Y/N. As Y/N was running her cap fell off and when she turned around she realized there was no good point in running. Crutchie hobbled toward Y/N and hugged her. Once Crutchie pulled away he said. "Once we get back ta da center we havta tawk."
Y/N nodded her head as the two walked away.
A/N So I'll probably post again today cause I have the time, I just want to break up the chapters instead of writing everything in one chapter.
So thanks for reading
The Author

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