Chapter 13

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Y/N made her down the streets, it was early in the morning so it was still dark. Y/N then stopped as she looked out across the Brooklyn bridge. Spot Conlon's turf. Y/N thought as she swallowed her fear.
Y/N walked along the bridge. Along the bridge she ran into a lady. "Excuse me mam!" Y/N called.
The lady stopped. "Yes?"
"Do youse have any idea where da Lodging centre is?" Y/N asked.
"I do as a matter of fact. It's straight down, then you turn left and down that street you'll find a old run down building. That's the one." The lady explained.
"Thank ya m'lady!" Y/N thanked as she ran off.
Y/N followed the lady's directions and sure enough she found what she thought was the centre. It was still early and the circulation bell hadn't run yet. "Hey!"
Y/N jumped Shit. That better not be a Brooklyn newsie.
"Youse isn't a Brooklyn newsie."
Y/N turned around, sure enough it was a small group of Brooklyn newsie. Y/N gulped. Fear shot down her spine. "So what ya doing in these parts?" One of the newsies asked.
"I-I was w-wondering if I c-could negotiate something with ya."
"Oh yeah? What ya want ta negotiate?" The newsie asked.
"Is there any way youse might let dat newsie ya kidnaped yesterday go?"
Y/N was putting herself into deep waters saying that. She was a girl, they were dudes. Lord knows what they could want. "Ya got money?" One of the boys asked.
Y/N let out a silent sigh of relief while rummaging through her pockets. Y/N pulled out eighty cents and held it out.
One of the newsies snatched it out of her hands, but then saw something else that caught his eye. "What's that dangling from ya neck?" He asked.
Y/N looked down to see the same old pair of rusty dog tags. Is he talking about the dog tags?
Y/N pulled off the necklace holding the tags. "These?" She asked.
The newsie nodded his head. "They're jus some old dog tags, nothin of value." Y/N admitted.
"We'll see bout dat. Hey Clink!" The newsie called.
A thin newsie then walked over the the two. "Determine da value of these will ya."
Y/N dropped the dog tags into the thin newsie's hand. They're just a pair of old dog tags, they're not worth anything. Y/N thought with utter confusion.
"Wowsie!" The newsie shouted.
"There's some gold in this!"
Y/N eyes grew wide.
"It's jus clouded by the amount of rust on this."
The Brooklyn newsies around Y/N eyes lit up.
"Ok so here's da deal, we'll let ya friend go if ya give us these-"
"Take 'em." Y/N insisted
"Take 'em." Y/N emphasized.
The two Brooklyn newsies looked at each other. "Ok, jus wait here a minute and we'll get him."
"I'm sorry what?" One of the boys asked.
"Jus let him go when I'm not around." Y/N said.
"But nothin determines dat we will if ya don't stay around." The thin newsie mentioned.
"Ya guys seem trustworthy." Y/N smiled before running off.
She trusted that the boys would let Crutchie go, no she knew.
Y/N didn't run back to Manhattan though, no she ran to The Bronx with no intention of returning to Manhattan.
"Ya free to go." The Brooklyn newsie said lightly shoving Crutchie.
Crutchie didn't question this out loud, he took off toward the Brooklyn bridge. When Crutchie was walking along the bridge though, he started to wonder. Why'd they let me go? Crutchie thought himself.
That thought pledged Crutchie's mind the rest of the way back. Once Crutchie got back to the Lodging centre everyone was happy to see he was ok and wasn't hurt, especially Jack, but Racetrack has to raise a fair question. "So Crutchie did ya see Y/N at all on ya way back?" He asked.
Crutchie was confused. "She's not here?"
"No, nobody's see her all morning. Not at da gate, nowhere." Specs said.
Crutchie instantly became worried. "I-I'm sorry I's sorry, I haven't seen her." Crutchie sadly said.
"Well let's try not ta worry bout it to much, let's jus sell our papes today and hope she's fine." Jack said.
All the newsies then made there way to the square, the headline was good, it was "Lumberjack Strike Letting Up."
As Crutchie sold papers a sicking thought came to his head. What if she came to the Brooklyn Lodging centre and traded places with me?
"Oh my lord Y/N what have ya done?" Crutchie mumbled trying not to cry.
A/N Heyo sorry my last chapter was a thing, it sucked I know but I'll just keep it, because why not. Also the story is drawing to a close so yay!
Thanks for reading my friends
The Author.

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