Chapter 15

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The two were in Jack's "penthouse" Y/N couldn't look at Crutchie in the eye. "So why?" Crutchie asked.
"Why what?"
"Don't play dumb Y/N. Why'd ya leave?" Crutchie asked softly.
Y/N struggled to find the words to say. "Look I-I didn't want ya ta get hurt." Y/N said.
"Ya didn't want me ta get hurt? How? How could I get hurt?" Crutchie asked.
"By being around me." Y/N answered.
"Oh come on dats ridiculous."
"No it's not, everyone dat gets close ta me dies." Y/N said.
"That's a crazy train of thought and you know it." Crutchie said.
"Oh really? Ya wanna bet cause I got a ton of rotten proof. First of all my mudtha died when I was born, my fadtha died when I was little, Rusty. A boy I considered a brother died and then you. Youse got kidnaped as soon as I got close ta ya." Y/N spat back.
"Oh come on I didn't die." Crutchie said.
"Yeah but who knows what might happen next time."
Crutchie rolled his eyes. "Why ya worry bout me so much?" Crutchie asked.
"Why ya worrying bout me? Like why ya trying ta protect me?"
"Ya got a problem with goil trying ta protect ya?" Y/N asked a little crossly.
"No, no! I'm jus wondering why ya care so much bout me. Like I'm not all special." Crutchie asked.
"Hey don't sell ya self short." Y/N snapped back.
"Well then tell me why ya went ta those lengths ta protect me. Even if I think ya reasoning is dumb."
Y/N fell silent. "Well why?" Crutchie asked.
Y/N refused to speak. "Why Y/N?"
"Tawk ta me please." Crutchie pleaded.
"Cause I love ya Crutchie Morris!" Y/N yelled.
The world seemed to grow quiet.
The two stayed silent until Y/N realized what she'd said. She looked up to see Crutchie utterly shocked. Y/N felt her face become red. She ran off. Y/N ran as fast as she could to her room and slammed the door. Y/N pressed her back against the door and looked up at the ceiling. She could feel tears fall from her eyes, Y/N didn't even bother to wipe away the tears.
*knock* *knock*
Y/N moved from the door and started to wipe away the tears. "W-who is it?" Y/N asked in a shaky voice.
Y/N turned so her back was facing the door. "Come in."
The door opened. Y/N heartbeat picked up. There was a moment of silence. "Come on
Y/N, please look at me." Crutchie said.
Y/N slowly turned around. Crutchie could see the tear marks and her puffy eyes. His heart broke seeing her like that. "Please look at me." Crutchie said quietly.
Y/N looked up at Crutchie. His face had a gentle expression and heartbreak spread across it. "Ya mind if we sit down?" Crutchie asked.
"No I don't mind." Y/N whispered sitting down on her cot.
Crutchie sat down beside Y/N and put his crutch on the ground. The two stayed quiet without saying a word for a good five minutes until Y/N spoke up. "L-look Crutch I know ya don't see me dat way, but I jus hope dis doesn't ruin our relationship, er friendship."
Crutchie smiled a little. "Why ya like me?" He asked.
"What?" Y/N asked looking at Crutchie.
"Why do ya like me?" Crutchie repeated.
Y/N could feel her cheeks go slightly red. "Well. They're are a lot of reasons." Y/N started to fiddle with her hair, which was untied.
"Your nice. Youse always been nice ta me. Like when ya sold papes with me cause I's looked lonely. You also only ever want da best for everyone. Ya try ta protect ya friends, and I like dat. Youse also h-handsome." Y/N turned extremely red.
"R-really?" Crutchie asked going a little pink himself.
"Yeah ya smile is nice, I love ya hair, ya eyes are gorgeous. I jus think ya a pretty guy ok?"
Y/N said burying her head in her hands.
Crutchie giggled a little. "Y-ya wanna hear what I's think of you?" Crutchie asked scratching the back of his neck.
"Sure why not." Y/N said.
"Well, I's think ya great. Your very considerate of others, like ya always thinking bout others before ya self. Ya also really nice ta me. Not ya mention your pretty."
Y/N looked at Crutchie who was blushing.
"Like ya have nice eyes and cute dimples. Not ta mention your hair. It's funny I's was always scared ya liked some other guy." Crutchie said.
"Why is that?"
"Cause I always liked you." Crutchie said looking at Y/N.
The two stopped and just looked at each other.
"Y-you like me?" Y/N asked just to make sure she wasn't hearing things.
Crutchie nodded his head. "Oh great so I was worried bout nothing." Y/N laughed feeling herself start to cry again.
Y/N looked at Crutchie, his eyes with admiration it made her smile. Y/N cupped Crutchie's right cheek with her hand. His skin was soft. Y/N brought her forehead to touch Crutchie's. The two smiled. Then Crutchie leaned in, kissing Y/N's lips with Y/N kissing back.
Crutchie's lips were soft to Y/N. Crutchie wrapped his arms around Y/N waist as Y/N rang a hand through Crutchie's hair while her other hand still cupped his cheek.
Once the two broke the kiss, they both had the dorkiest smiles on their faces. "So does dis make it official?" Y/N asked.
"I'd say so." Crutchie replied pecking Y/N on the lips again. "I love you." Crutchie whispered.
Y/N hugged Crutchie tightly. "Make dat two." She said.
"Your the second person in my whole damn life dats said I love you."
Crutchie smiled.
The next day the two walked over to Newsie's square like they always did, but this time hand in hand. A couple of the guys teased them making stupid kissy faces and what not, but the two could care less. They had each other. Crutchie was Y/N's boyfriend and that's all she could ever ask for.
A/N I'M DONE! Kinda. See the official story line is over, but I'll still sometimes post stuff. Like a Christmas special and other stuff like that. But yeah. So sincerely thank you. To the people reading my stuff, it means a lot.
Now you can check out my Racetrack x reader and my Newsies Preferences. Also I'm going to be post a Spot x reader soon so yeah.
Thanks for reading
The Author

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