ten - crave

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I sit in math class, anxiously tapping my foot. I needed to see him again, to be with him again. I had just come from our closet make-out and my lips still tingled. My mom constantly bugs me about making sure Jughead doesn't pressure me into doing anything, but I think I wanted it more than he did.

Seconds tick on the clock, only a few more till the bell rings. I didn't have a class with Jug but I'd make it my mission to see him for at least 5 minutes out of the 6 minutes in between classes. My mind kept flashing back to the closet and I craved more, he was like a drug that I couldn't get enough of.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

There goes the bell! I grab my binders and stumble past all my classmates, running to his bio class. 

"No running in the halls!" Yells a teacher who looks like she's 85. 

I slow down, walking at a quick pace until I turn the corner, continuing to run. There he was, he stood out of the crowd in his serpent jacket. He was talking to a boy I didn't recognize, leaning on the wall close by his classroom. I speed towards him, noticing the study room next to him- there were many of these around the school that no one used.

I catch my breath before standing in front of him, hand on his arm to grab his attention. I look at the boy he was talking to and smile. He says bye to Jughead and walks away.

"Hey, Betts, why are you out of brea-" I cut him off my pulling him into the study room. 

"Woah, what's wrong?" he says as I close the door, pressing the button to lock the door.

I grab his books from his hands, placing them with my books on the table he leans on.

He begins to question, "Betty-" I cut him off with my lips, hands on his cheeks and breathing in deeply as we meet. I can sense he was shocked at first, but almost immediately delves into it, holding my close by the waist. 

I was breathless, not only from running but from the satisfaction I was feeling. I grip his t-shirt to turn him to face the table as I sit on it, his eyes widening. Pulling him harshly by the shirt, my other hand on his neck to bring his face down towards mine. 

"I couldn't stop thinking about you." I mumble between a kiss in explanation. 

He pulls me closer with a hand on my waist, his kisses deep and passionate. 

"Ahem." we hear.

We both freeze, looking at each other with wide eyes. I peer behind Jughead, his head turning back and we both find Ethel Muggs, sitting by one of the tables, her books open to study. Of course.

Jughead turns back to look at me, me doing the same. I hold my lips in a tight line to keep from laughing, his mouth letting out a small chuckle and his head falling on my shoulder. I push him lightly, standing up from the table and adjusting my skirt that had risen, wiping my lips. 

"Ethel! I'm- we're so sorry." I say carefully. "Uhm, good luck studying!" I quickly turn around, grabbing Jug's hand and walking out the room with our books in his arm. I close the door with his back, leaning my head on his chest with an embarrassed laugh.

"Oh my god." I giggle, I could feel my face heating up. 

It was 9:43, 2 minutes till class.

"I think she was just as surprised as I was. What was that?" he smirks as we begin walking.

"Had a craving." I flirt with a shrug.

"Is that so? Maybe I should wear this jacket more often." he teases.

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