twenty - forgetting

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Have you ever wished you could turn back time? Yeah, me too, and this was one of those moments. Had I met Betty 5 months ago, we wouldn't have had this problem. It was this summer that I lost my virginity, I was in a horrible place and I used it as an escape. I wish I could go back and have it be a memorable moment with someone I actually cared about. But I can't. I'm glad, though, that this break ended on a good note and that she wasn't angry. 

I'm not sure how I'll act without her. I already feel like I'm a mess, taking after my dad as I take a sip of the first alcoholic drink I find in the kitchen. I wish I wasn't like this, a damaged good. Betty kept me on my feet and I could feel myself changing for the better, but the thought of not being with her for now made me feel just as lost as I did before I met her. 

I've been sitting here for a good 2 hours, slowly drinking with the TV on, not really paying attention to what's playing, just letting the sound keep me from silence. 

Suddenly, the door opens, my dad entering.

"What do you think you're doing, boy!" he says, angrily rushing over and pulling the bottle from my hand.

"Like you care." I respond, rolling my eyes.


I stand from the couch, grabbing my beanie and putting it on my head. "Oh, cut it dad! Don't suddenly act all fatherly because I was drinking alcohol, you couldn't care less."

"What are you doing?" he asks.

I open the door, "Leaving." and close the door behind me. 

I eventually walk to the Whyte Wyrm, the serpents central place. I hadn't been in a long while, but I could use a drink without judgement from my father. 

I take a seat at the bar, and of course, Toni's working tonight.

"Toni..." I say, knowing she'll have an opinion.

She looks at me with an upset frown, "You okay, Jug?"

"I'm fine.. I'll be fine."

"What am I pouring up?" she asks.

I raise a brow, "You're gonna serve me?"

"Usually I'd try to talk you out of it, but I guess a few won't hurt. Plus, you look like a mess, maybe it'll help."

She tosses me a shot of something strong I hope.

I down it before saying, "Be more subtle, would you?"

"C'mon Jug, it's obvious. Without Betty, you're miserable."

"Don't." I say sternly. "Just don't even say her name, it just makes me miss her more."

"Damn, sappy Jughead is not fun. You were the fucking leader of the serpents at one point and now you're crying over a girl?" Sweet Pea says, taking a seat next to me.

"Fuck off. I was the leader for 1 month while my dad was out of town and I hated it. I don't talk about that, not with anyone."

"Hm, meaning you're little princess didn't know?" he taunts.

"Don't you dare, Sweet Pea." 

He smirks, "I'm sure Betty Boop would think information like that would be important. I thought you told each other everything."

"Hey, cut it out, Sweet Pea." Toni steps in.

"Relax, T, I'm just making conversation with my buddy here." he grips my shoulder tightly.

I stare at him, rage filling my body. He always liked riling me up, making me angry to push me over the edge.

"Knock it off before I make you." I say, harshly moving my arm so his hand moves off.

He chuckles, "What are you gonna do? Punch me? You're a dwarf compared to me."

Before I know it, my knuckles meet his jaw. 

"Jughead!" Toni says, running around the counter and standing between it. "Stop it guys!"

Sweet Pea holds his bleeding chin, eyeing me down.

"What's happened to you, Jones? You used to be so fun." he stand, walking away.

"I grew the fuck up and stopped being childish, you could use a tip or two." I sneer.

He turns around to face me, breathing heavily. "Just get lost, Jones. You don't belong here anymore. You don't belong anywhere. Here, you're the former bad ass that's gone soft, there you're the unwanted Southside scum. Do yourself and everyone else a favour and leave.

I look down. As deplorable as he was, he spoke the truth. No one needs me. I stand up, going towards the back exit. 

"Jug, hold on." I hear Toni call behind me.

I put a hand up without turning around, continuing to walk. "Just leave me alone, T."

"No." she says, turning me harshly. "I'm not letting you leave here and make a stupid decision. You've been drinking, you aren't in a good headspace. Let me help you."

We're in a small hall that's quiet and secluded in the back. It leads to the emergency exit, so no one really comes back here.

"How can you help me, Toni? I'm a fucking lost cause, I can't be helped. I just push people away to save them the trouble of caring for me! I'm a burden to everyone in my life, why do you think my mom left me but took Jellybean?" I yell, only Toni able to hear me in the isolated area.

"You aren't a burden, you're my best friend. Please just let me help."

"I love you, Toni, I do, but you can't help. Eventually, I'll push you away too, just like I always do. Just like I did to the only good thing that's come in my life, I pushed her away! She might say that she'll come back to me but she'll find someone better and forget all about me."

"You sure about that?" she says, her eyes switching to my face and behind me.

I furrow my brows confused. I turn around slowly and I breathe in heavily at the sight. At the end of the hall, against the emergency exit door stands Betty Cooper.


CHECK OUT MY NEW STORY 'SOULMATES', I'm really hyped for it. Be sure to VOTE AND COMMENT!

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