Run !!!!!!!

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Ricks POV

Shit , shit , shit , those fucking assholes from the galactic federation won't stop following me. I can't keep this up , my Morty is hurt badly and doesn't have much time.

I try to quickly think about what to do just polling from the the skin of my teeth.

Rick: Morty hear me out, I'm gonna open a random portal but I don't know we're is gonna take us to , are you with me ?
Morty: y-yes Rick
Rick: good

I just opened the portal and as I was about to grab Morty but he puches me through the portal.

Morty POV

Morty: Sorry Rick but we both know we're not both getting out of this one alive.

I take Ricks heavy assault rifle and start shooting down bugs after bug. Those bastards won't get my Rick that easily. After a good fight I'm out out of rounds and the federation opens fire on me. All I can feel is getting shot and falling to the floor in a moment.

Morty: at l-least I b-brought a-a good portion of y-you bastards w-with m-me

Ricks POV

A fell through the portal and quickly try to jump back on but it closed.

Rick: Morty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO!!!!!!!!!

I dropped on my knees and looked at my choices.

I was devastated my Morty sacrifice himself form me. But I can't let his sacrifice go to waist. I start searching on my radar we're I am and what surprised me was this place called Remnant. Never heard of it. I quickly started hacking and easily hack into their 4 major governments and learn what's going on. I have to say this place is shit , really, dust is the only thing they use as fuel. What will they use when it runs out. I can make a list of other resources that can be better. And after a while of walking I found a junker.

Rick: jackpot!!!!!! Bitch!!!!!!

Time skip 3 days

I finally made it , a new flying car , guns and nuclear reactor to power my flash light. But I have been seeing changes in this dimension. It have morphed my body to my teenage/young adult state. I remember what happened with project Phoenix and lets hope it doesn't end up the same.

 I remember what happened with project Phoenix and lets hope it doesn't end up the same

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(This will be the form you will be having)

Ozpin POV 2 days ago

I was sitting in my office contemplating if to call James or not, but I couldn't ignore this strange anomaly. So I guess I have no choice but to call.

Ozpin: James I need you to send a large group of soldiers to my kingdom , I have been picking up a large weird radiation and I don't know what to think.
James: on it
Ozpin: Thank you James

Rick POV

I finished my essential repairs and was about to start and make a recon of my surroundings. But as I was about to leave a small group of soldiers appeared in front of me with an old looking guy who has a weird ass suit , like who wears all green.

???: who are you ?
Rick: god bitch
???: prove it
Rick: Your life form is way under mine , I don't have to prove anything.
???: are you a friend or an enemy
Rick: that depends, are you gonna fuck me over like I did your mom last night
???2: snap boi
???1: no , my name is Ozpin
Rick: I'm Rick Sanchez

Ozpin POV

Good to know .

Ozpin:Ok everyone retreat.
James: oz what are you doing, we don't even know who he is
Rick: I'm Rick C-137 from earth C-137 , I came here in an emergency, is that enough information for you asshole

What a foul mouth he has.

James : your not from here ?
Rick: didn't you hear what I said ?
James: oz we can't let him go he can help us further ur investigation. Take him boys
Rick: you touch me and you die

I was curious, he has enough confidence that even by touching him we would die.

Ozpin:Why is that?
Rick: cause my body is covered in a micro fiber that if you touch me you'll die and there's no after life
James: really?

I analyze the situation and decided to move forward just to see the outcome of this encounter.

Ozpin: Take him in

As the soldiers come closer to mister Sanchez they try to arrest him but fell dead to the floor. To say I was shocked was the least of it.

Ozpin: Sweet god what happened?!!!
Rick : like I told you , you arrest me you die
James: kill him
Rick: don't do it
James : why ?
Rick: cause , if you do all the bullets will bounce back
James: imposible, no technology is that advanced. Opened fire

Rick POV

God damn it, this people don't obey. Every soldier that fired has now a bullet hole in their head

Rick: are you stupid.
James: how's that possible? their aura was supposed so protect them
Rick: like I said wood dick your little soldiers don't stand a chance against me not even your stupid sentient robot can kill me
James how did you knew , that's highly classified
Rick: easy I hacked all of the kingdoms the first day I came here , childs play
James: I'll hav-
Ozpin : mister Sanchez, I have a deal with you
Rick: yea what is it?

Ozpin then walked to me. I got my guard up, I still don't know what they are capable of.

Ozpin: Will you like to be a teacher at my school
Rick: no thank you , I rather be on a machine that separates my subconscious from my conscience, that makes me be on a state of dream were it makes everything I love be hard to grasp and that it stabs my balls every 10 seconds

Oz looked surprised.

Ozpin: that's... awfully specific

But he still wanted to say something.

Ozpin: but wait , if you join us , you can ignore the government and do as you please
James: you can't be seriously ?
Ozpin: I am, your presence here can help us

I looked at him and considered my choices. Which I had little to start with, but if I collaborate I get to do whatever I want.

Rick: fine I'll do it , but I get to do what I want whenever I want
Ozpin: welcome to Beacon then
Rick: fuck you see you in 5 days

He looked at me and with confidence said;

Ozpin: that's ok professor

Hey , sorry for the cliffhanger but I wanted to cut it there + I saw there was no Rick and Morty on Rwby so I made this. And don't worry I have plans for Morty so his not done cause he's a Morty. + Morty "C-137" is my favorite . Having said that have a beautiful day/night.


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