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Rick POV

I was waking up to a weird kid babbling about something. Everything was blurry. And then I felt someone grabbing my hand. When my sight came back I noticed it was Penny sleeping next to me.

???: AWW!! Rick, your up, that's great

I then look towards the voice and holy shit I thought I never see him again.

Rick: Ford?
Ford: the same you knew buddy
Rick: what happened?
Ford: I wanted to ask you that same question, you guys came from a cheap made looking portal and then boom you guys were unconscious and I then turn the girl back and she hasn't left your side since then
Rick: thank you Pine
Ford: wait? gotten younger?
Rick: I...I don't even know anymore, I came to her dimension and then boom I was back in my prime years

I then saw Penny waking up and she looked happy to see me again. She then jump and hugged me. I was trying to be as polite and not ruin this moment for her. But after a few seconds I then interrupted.

Rick: ok Penny, I think that's enough
Penny: I was sooo worried there!!!
Rick: why?
Ford: cause at first you weren't responding, you were in a small coma, the impact force left you out for some time
Rick: how much time?
Ford: 2 and a half weeks
Rick: Jesus
Ford: I know, I honestly thought that I had to do something especial or I don't know what

I then looked at Ford and gave him a look of this is serious can I have a minute. He then nodded and left the room. Then all of my attention was directed over Penny. I put my hand on her shoulder and said;

Rick: Penny, what happened exactly

She then started recollecting her memory and then answered.

Penny: well....the general first sedated you followed by turning me off with a concentrated EMP and that's all that I can recall
Rick: what about my portal Gun?
Penny: ......
Rick: COME ON PENNY!!! You know this is important
Penny: I'm sorry I don't remember!!!!!

This is the first time she actually yelled at me. I then look at her and see a face full of sadness and worthlessness.

Rick: I'm sorry Penny
Penny: NOOO, I failed you Rick I-
Rick: no, don't worry...I know what we need to do now, follow me

I then see she gets happy again so I get her up and head toward Ford.

Ford: so, what are we gonna do?
Rick: do you remember that time when we made a heist on that confederate between those 2 planets
Ford: Hell yes, I had the most fun of my life that day
Rick: then get ready I have a plan.

Time skip after planing cause your author doesn't want you to get spoiled.

We're outside of the Yautja planet and we're ready to make a full blown assault. We took the alien space ship in Gravity Falls and fix it. Apparently it belonged to an alien called Roger Smith but we didn't have any luck in tracking him down. So I did what I always do, I put a shit load of weapons in the ship.

( start the song )

We then descended unto the planet. We then activate a camouflage that the Yautja couldn't detect. After a good landing we all got out and readied our weapons. I gave Ford an Anti material rifle that's more than capable off blowing one of those fuckers head off.

 I gave Ford an Anti material rifle that's more than capable off blowing one of those fuckers head off

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( shoutout to the person who know to what game this rifle belongs to in the next chapter )

Penny and I then went running towards one crazy looking temple.

Rick: ok penny as soon as I activate my camouflage you do the same
Penny: ok

I then activate my camouflage and so did Penny. We then ran inside the temple and we killed every Yautja that was in our way every now and then. After some time we founded a storage room and we entered.

Rick: this fuckers have the best armor in the universe Penny
Penny: so now what?
Rick: this

I then took a shrink ray and made everything tiny. Then I gave it to Penny so she could carry it. But while recollecting the stuff I saw something that I shouldn't have. A small cristal, and I knew what it exactly did.

Time skip outside the storage room

We then started running but have way out we heard an alarm going out. We then ran even FASTER.


Thank god we manage to scape safely. I couldn't believe we actually pull a move like that. But then a giant fucker appeared in front of us.

Penny: what do we do Rick ?
Rick: run Penny, I'll take care of him

She did as I said. Then the Yautja took his armor off. I knew that was a sign of respect. So I did the same and I took of my shirt and lab coat. Then he activate his dual wrist blade and I used a standard desert eagle. He came running at me. I blocked it with my gun and I hit him right in the knee. Then as I could hear more of them coming our way I knew I had to finish this. I then shot three rounds on both of his knees and then one on each shoulder leaving me with one final bullet on the barrel. I then pointed him point blank on the face.

Yautja: * native language * Go it
Rick: were a great warrior but you had to fight me
Yautja: * English * Thank you...Rick
Rick: don't mention it

I then ran back to the ship and started it. I then sit down in my chair and as we were getting off the planet I started freaking out.

Ford/Penny: what's wrong Rick/master

We then both looked at Penny like what the fuck girl.

Rick: I HAD NO CONTROL!!! Holy shit I defeated a FUCKING PREDATOR, this...this is a dream come true

Then they both felt more relieved and then we went back home. And I have one thing in mind. That's to destroy Ironwood. I then open my hand to reveal a warp start. I'm not kidding anymore, it's time I get Doctor Who all over this shit. Starting with that bastard.

Hey guys and gals, hoped you loved, like I said I'm taking a break on the Cipher story like Rick did with his store while competing against the devil. Except I'm not setting that story on fire, I know there are people out there who love it. Now having said that, take care and I'll see ya in the next chapter.

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