Chapter Nine

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After I was calm, I grabbed a towel from my closet and headed to the shower. I let the warm water rinse away my stress. After I finished in the bathroom, I headed back to my room.

When I entered, there lying across my bed; was a fiery red, gold, and orange ball gown. It had a sparkly vailing on the skirt part. Next to it was a note.

" 'Yvette, each year we have an annual fall ball. I thought you would look absolutely beautiful in this gown I personally designed and had made for you. It would be my honor if you would be my dance partner. Please take some time to consider it. It starts at eight tonight. I hope to see you there. -Lucifer A. Jones' "

I looked up from the note and scanned the dress further. The top was sleeveless. It had a mix of fiery colors with a hint of sparkle as well. I noticed the golden colored heels, and a ruby necklace and earrings.

Throughout the day, I thought about the ball. He was very old fashioned, and elegant. Although he killed Xander, he didn't know he was my brother or that I even had one. That didn't make it okay, but it wasn't his fault.

I then saw it in my heart to give him one more chance. I told myself if he made one more major mistake, I'd find a way to escape and all of this would end.

I remembered I was still wrapped in my bath towel. I put on a clean pair of jeans and a blue sweater.

As soon as I was dressed, I searched around the mansion for Corrina. I found her in the kitchen, washing dishes.


I must've startled her, because she dropped a plate in the sink. She turned to me and sighed.

"Yes, Ms Perez?"

"Will you help me prepare for the ball?"

She smiled. "Oh! You'll be attending with the master?"

I nodded.

She walked back to my room with me and looked at the dress. I looked at her face and I could tell she was think of hair and makeup choices. We spent the whole afternoon talking of how I would look. She suggested having my hair up in a braided bun, but I didn't think a bun would look very flattering for this occasion.

Around three, I started getting ready. Corrina helped me into the gorgeous gown. It fit like a glove. After that, the shoes. They were my exact size. Then she helped me with my makeup. Corrina was a master with makeup. She put the perfect amount of foundation, blush, concealer, eyeliner, mascara, and dark brown eyeshadow. She let me put on the red lipstick myself while she changed the color of my nails from black, to red. Then she curled my hair.

Once I was ready, I looked in the mirror. It was like looking into the eyes of a complete stranger. Then, from the mirror, I watched Corrina put the necklace on me, and putting the earrings in my hand. I put them on and thanked her.

She walked out, and I took a deep breath. I started to walk behind her, but I stopped not to far from the door and turned back. I grabbed the engagement ring back on my left ring finger. After that, I started following Corrina who was waiting for me.

I could tell we were getting close. I could hear the music. It was beautiful. We reached a large, double wooden door. She opened it, and we continued to walk forward. Corrina led me to what seemed like an open balcony. When we got closer, I realized it was a large staircase that led to a large ballroom. I gazed upon the dancing couples. There was a wine bar and a food table. And in one corner there was a live orchestra.

Lastly, I noticed Lucifer at the bottom of the stairs. Then couples stopped dancing one by one. I was confused until I realized they were stopping to stare at me. The music stopped, and the last person to turn was him; My personal dream and nightmare.

Through his mask, I could see his widened eyes. My heart jumped when he held his hand out for me to join him. I carefully descended down the stairs. When I reached him, I put my hand in his. As we made our way to the dance floor, our eye contact never broke. People moved out of the way to let us to the centre of the floor. When we stopped, he bowed; I curtsied. He put his free hand on my waist, keeping his other in my hand as I put my free hand on his shoulder.

"You look absolutely beautiful tonight." He smiled warmly.

"Thank you. You look very handsome as well."

He smiled. It was the first time he smiled genuinely and not sinister-like.

"I won't be surprised when people can't take their eyes off of you."

I blushed and felt my heartbeat in my chest. I knew then that my affection for him wasn't fake. I felt my heart skip a beat when we started dancing to the music.

One, two, three. . .one, two, three. . .one, two, three.

The waltz was calm and it was my first dance. The pace slowed as I let him lead. Then that song ended. When we came to a complete stop, I realized we were the only ones dancing. Then another song came on and it was faster.

It's very hard to describe what it was. But what happened was we danced in a faster waltz. He twirled me and lifted me up, his hands on my waist. When that dance ended, he guided me off the floor over to the stairs once more.

The other couples returned to the floor.

"I can't believe you came," He smiled. "It's an honor to have you here."

"Thank you. I wasn't sure I was coming after. . .the incident at school. ."

I looked up at him. I could see the guilt and regret in his face. I understood how he was feeling. I hadn't killed anyone, but just the guilt and regret itself. I knew all about feeling the way he did. I sighed softly; feeling bad for bringing it up.

"How about another dance?" I asked, changing the mood.

He smiled and took my hand once more and guided me to the dance floor again.

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