Chapter 1

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Cover Design by Marianne Nowicki

Chapter 1

"Holly, come on already!" Gabe shouted out to me.

That boy was always trying to rush me and it drove me crazy sometimes. He's been my best friend since we were six. Like all friends, we fight and annoy each other but I would never trade him.

Gabe was my life. He was everything that kept me sane, motivated, normal and on time. I was the arty girl and he was the one with the gift of the gab.

"I'm ready, are you?" I made a snarky reply. It was first day of senior high school and he couldn't wait to get there. It was too sad.

"Don't ask daft questions. I wouldn't come to your house naked." He stated and I snorted with laughter.

"Now that would be a sight to see."

I tore my bedroom door open and faced him. He wasn't drop dead gorgeous, not with that crooked nose of his, but there was something about him. I could never put my finger on what it was, but there was something.

His dark brown hair flopped over his left eye and he swished it away with his normal hair flick. He'd grown it long to cover the scar on his forehead that went along with the crooked nose. Long story and a lot of it was my fault.

His pale green eyes with golden flecks in them always stunned me. Problem is they are always hiding behind his glasses. Sometimes it's hard to see those gorgeous eyes of his.

He was tall and thin but had a surprising amount of muscle tone. All the girls wanted him even though he was the biggest dork. He had a way of talking to people that drew them in, and all the girls at our school chased him because of that.

I've seen him work his charm and for some reason it always made me laugh. I'm the one and only person who doesn't see the sophisticated Gabriel.

He's the one person who I've seen talk adults into doing dumb things. The girls all swoon over him like salivating dogs. He's the guy who everyone wants as their friend.

The only person who he's ever himself with, well, that would be me. No matter who he's trying his charms on, I can see through it every time. We were once late for school and he convinced our teacher that we had already been in class. Stifling my laugh that day took tremendous effort.

With me, he blurts and babbles out the stupidest stuff. He makes me laugh all the time. I'm always trying to get him out of his sophisticated Gabe mode, so I'm always teasing him.

"Huh! You wish." He grunted as he stepped into my room.

"To see you strut naked down the street?" I guffawed at even the thought. "Imagine what all your fans would think of that." I smirked and he burst into laughter.

"C'mon, you, I don't want to be late on my first day."

"Yes, all those desperate girls just dying to hear your voice again, sigh." I raised a hand to my forehead as if I was about to faint.

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