Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I told Gabe I'd drive myself out to Pips class, but as usual, he insisted. There was no use arguing with him because he wouldn't listen and I knew that.

During our drive, I spent most of my time thinking over everything that had happened today. My mind then diverted to the kiss we'd shared yesterday. It all wanted to jumble in my mind and it was starting to drive me crazy.

"You'll ace it today, Bear." Gabe said as he pulled up outside of Pips art studio.

"Yeah, maybe." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Trust me. You will because I know you." He sounded so sure that I almost caved and showed him the drawing of us together.

"It's gotta happen sooner or later, right?" I stepped from the car before I did something I'd regret.

"Of course it will," Gabe joined me where I leaned against the car. "You should join Serena." He pointed to where Serena approached us.

"Hey, Gabe, Holly."

She waved to us with enthusiasm but I noticed she mostly glanced at Gabe. That cut me a lot because I thought we'd become good friends. For the last few weeks, we'd spent every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon stuck in an art class where neither of us wanted to be. Maybe I had noticed a bond between us that didn't exist.

"We're going to whip your butts on the weekend!" Serena rubbed her hands together with glee.

"So you go to St Vincent's Prep." Gabe mused.

"Yep, and we're going to kick butt!" she declared.

"Now I have to cheer for both teams. I'm going to look ridiculous." I grumbled.

"You'll cheer for me?" Serena's wide eyes glanced my way.

"We are friends and I always cheer for my friends."


She seemed heartened by such a simple gesture. I recalled her saying in our first class how she never had anyone to cheer for her. This weekend she would have me and I hoped that I could do her proud.

"Where's Kyte today?" Gabe asked but it sounded insincere, cold even.

"He's not coming to join us anymore." Serena frowned but for some dumb reason that made Gabe grin and glance at me.

"We can have serious girl time now." I stated and she grinned.


"You don't care that he's not here?" Gabe eyed me in a weird manner.

"Nope, why would I?"

Gabe blinked at me as if I'd shone a mega watt light in his eyes. What was going on with him recently? That only reminded me of fake dating Gabe. Why did he keep acting so damn weird?

"You really don't care about not seeing Kyte?" Gabe repeated his words and I frowned at him.

"I'm not the one with the crush on him. That was all Serena." I told him.

"I do not have a crush!" Serena squealed as she thumped me in the arm.

"Sure." I answered her with a sideways look to show my skepticism.

"I don't." Serena protested.

"I've done this all wrong, haven't I?" Gabe shook his head and stared intently at me.

"Why do you think I liked Kyte?" I turned on Gabe, who still seemed to be in a daze.

"You girls should get to class." Gabe ignored my question, pointed to the others who had gathered and started entering the classroom.

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