Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

My second art class went just as bad as my first. If Mrs P and Pips were trying to make me hate art, then they were certainly shoving me towards that conclusion. Now in art, I sat staring at blank paper and canvas. My inspiration had abandoned me and I didn't know when it would return.

Adding to that was when Gabe started acting strange earlier this week. I swear my whole world had begun to spin on its axis. Everything I loved in my life had turned into uncertainty and worry.

This morning I would at least figure out Gabe's problem. My determination this early on a Saturday morning needed answers. I had to work out Gabe's issue. I just had to.

"Mum, I'm going to head over to Gabe's." I called out to mum who was rattling around in the kitchen.

"Come in here first, Holly."

I rolled my eyes but turned back to the kitchen. Finding her rolling out pastry didn't surprise me. Mum loved cooking and trying new recipes. Sometimes that was a good thing and sometimes not. Mostly because dad and I had to eat whatever she made. It was a bit of a lottery.

I saw her strawberry blonde curls, so much like mine as she faced the oven with an exasperated frown. Dad always laughed and said how we could be twins. Difference was, mum tamed her curls and I let mine run roughshod over me.

We had the same blue green eyes, petite figure and pretty face. Once again though, mum had this sophisticated air that I could never replicate. I always had paint in my hair, on my skin and my clothes. As much as we looked the same, we were so different sides of the spectrum.

"What did you need, Mum?"

"Have you gone to the bother of cleaning that room of yours yet?" she chided because she knew I hadn't.

"Nope." There was no use lying to mum, she had this habit of staring you down until you admitted all your life secrets.

"I want it clean this weekend or I'll ban you from Gabe's." She made the most idle threat she could and I wanted to roll my eyes again but refrained.

"Alright, I'll clean it this afternoon," I grouched. "Can I go now?"

"Don't forget what I said."


I left before she decided to throw any other chores on me. Heading to Gabe's, I had the reminder of his weirdness this week. He'd been so quiet, contemplative and just plain weird!

I walked through his front door as quietly as I could, not wanting to disturb anyone. Creeping up his stairs, I heard voices coming from his room. I paused to listen, hoping to discover something, anything about what was up with my best friend. Why couldn't he tell me what was bothering him?

"Tell her the truth, Gabe. It's Holly we're talking about. She knows you. I'm damn sure there's nothing she couldn't tell me about you. Be as honest as you can and she'll understand. I'm sure she'll find your news thrilling." I heard Gabe's brother Chad giving him advice and I caught my breath.

"I can't tell her everything. She won't understand so I'm going with my original plan." Gabe's words made my heart sink.

What was he so afraid to tell me? I crept back down the stairs and wondered if I wanted to know what was bothering him. I hated not being on the same page as Gabe. It left something heavy and hurting in my chest.

I scrubbed at my aching heart as I slammed the front door to properly announce my arrival. Truth be known, I did want to know Gabe's problem. I'm sure I could cope with it... maybe.

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