Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It's been two weeks and a day since Mrs P accused my dragon of being unemotional. Since then, my muse, or whatever the heck ran my creative side had died. I had no inspiration to draw, paint or sketch anything.

Tonight I had to go to the stupid art class that Mrs P suggested. Worry and nerves only kept growing inside of me. What if I never painted anything again? That thought made my heart ache so badly.

"Holly, get down here," Gabe's voice made me sigh and cuddle deeper into the warmth of my doona. "I'm serious, Bear. We have to get to school."

His voice only crept closer to my bedroom but I ignored him. Today I felt too horrible to do anything. I had to face a beginners art class this afternoon and that made me so damn sad.

"Bear, What are you doing?" his voice softened as he approached me.

"I'm not going."

"Yes, you are." He made his voice firm but I rolled away from him.



"Why can't I be sick today?" I wailed.

"If you were sick, I'd ring our parents and stay home sick with you, but you're not. Now get up!" he tugged my oh so cozy doona off me and I cuddled into a ball.


"Damnation! What the hell are you wearing, Holly?"

"Nightie, obviously." I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.

"That barely covers anything." He sounded as if he choked on a breath, so I dared to glance up at him.

The way his eyes travelled over my body made every part of me flood with heat and a tingling that I wanted more of now. I gulped in a breath. His eyes caught mine and wow, the intensity in that gaze made it even harder to breathe.

"Put your uniform on, Bear. We have to go." Gabe said before he strode from my room.

I wanted to wail a protest but I still had that lack of breathing problem going on. With a gripe, I rolled out of bed and grabbed my uniform. I tossed it on with little care for how I looked, and shoved my hair into a half hearted bun. Trudging down the stairs, I grabbed my bag and prepared for another day of hell.

"Let's go, Gabe."

I didn't miss the way his eyes travelled over me in the same manner as before. He quickly diverted his gaze but I saw it nevertheless. I guess I couldn't blame him. It was that whole teenage boys and testosterone thing. Still, it gave me quite a thrill.

"Are you going to bother trying to do anything with the haystack?" Gabe gestured to my hair.

"No, what you see is what you get today." I huffed.

"Holly Bear, you're seeing everything askew. You're going to get to this art class tonight and you're going to love it. I know that you know it deep down, and so do I and Mrs P."

"I don't know anything." I declared.

"Fine. I'm going to drop you off and pick you up."

"No, I'm driving my car."

I did have my own car and, yes, I did have my license. Gabe just offered to drive me around for anything I needed. Normally, I loved the chance to spend time with him. The last place I wanted him to be was somewhere I had shame or embarrassment waiting for me. This art class had a huge potential for both.

"I'm driving you and you don't have a choice." He insisted.

"That's fine. I just won't let you know when I'm leaving."

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