Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Everything went along fine until Gabe chose to walk me to my door. I thought he'd just leave me before driving to his house. It seemed that Gabe wanted this to be a proper end to the date.

Awkwardness surrounded me as the security light above my front door switched on. Gabe hadn't let go of my hand since he helped me from the car so I wasn't sure what to think.

I now started to worry about my parents who could start watching us. They were used to Gabe and I being together but normally we didn't hold hands. The last thing I wanted was to have to answer anything about the fake dating.

Gabe turned to me at the door. He seemed to have this indecision fighting with an excited apprehension. This wasn't like Gabe. He always had everything under his control. When his fingers started shaking in mine, he released my hand.

"Thanks for today." He said and I saw him gulp in another breath.

"I had fun." Came my dumb reply.

He smiled, leaned into me and a giddiness surrounded me. Gabe gave me head spins without even trying and I loved that about him.

"So, you wanna go on a date again?" he asked as I pressed my hands against his chest.

"That sounds like a very thorough plan." I agreed.

The smile that filled his face then entranced me. Before I could say anything else, his lips landed on mine.

This wasn't a peck like before. This kiss had depth, meaning, blazing heat and I only wanted more. My fingers crept into his hair to stop him from pulling back.

I kissed him back this time and that seemed to spur him on further. His lips pressed harder against mine, his hands wrapped around me tight and then his tongue touched my bottom lip.

Everything inside me tingled in response. I decided to be a little bit feistier than Gabe, I sucked his bottom lip into my mouth and he groaned.

His hands went into my hair and our kiss turned a little wild. Our tongues danced together and his mouth took me on a thrill ride. Gabe's kiss was the best kiss I'd ever had the joy of experiencing.

It was only when I remembered that this was a pretend date that I pulled back. Seeing Gabe's desire glazed eyes made me want to kiss him again. I didn't. I somehow restrained myself.

His fingers that had been in my hair now stroked my neck in a delicate caress. It was one of the most downright pleasant things he could've done after our heated kiss.

"Um, wow, I, uh, didn't expect that." Gabe whispered as he left a kiss on my head.

"You started it."

"True. I kind of wish I'd have tried that ages ago." He said dreamily.

"Huh? What about that girl of yours?" I forced myself to ask but he said nothing in reply as he stepped back and I missed having his warm hands against me.

"See you in the morning?" he seemed doubtful and I wasn't quite sure how to react.

"Someone has to wake me up." I smiled at him and he relaxed.

"I guess that's going to always be my job." He teased.


"Okay, I'll, uh, catch you later, Bear."

He turned and made his way back to his car. I watched him go with mixed feelings and tingling lips. He stumbled a few steps when he swivelled around to look at me. The smile, I'd never seen his smile so wide or look so darn happy. It choked me up when I realised he was more than likely thinking about the girl he liked and not me.

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