Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Holly, do you really think this is showing off your best talent?" Mrs P had a disconcerting frown on her face that I never liked seeing.

Somebody else in the class snickered and I turned a glaring eye on them. Let me explain, being known as Gabe's number one, go to person has its set backs. Also being one of Mrs P's favourites doesn't help the situation. There are a lot of people jealous of me in our school. I know it and they know that I know it. When they see me taken down a peg or two, they relish every second.

I wasn't going to let them upset me, I'd dealt with this stuff for long enough that I knew ignorance did work best. At the end of the day, I had Gabe and they didn't. My artwork turned out awesome and sometimes theirs didn't. I took the good parts of everything around me and paid no attention to the rest.

"What's wrong with it?" I shrugged a shoulder but dared to ask.

"Please see me after class so we can discuss things." She sighed as if I was an extreme disappointment and my heart sank.

Of all my teachers, Mrs P was the one I had never let down before. She had pointed out changes to my paintings over the years, but she'd never asked me to see her after class. Until now, she'd always showed effervescent cheeriness to my projects.

Art was my last class of the day and now became yet another teacher who I had to see after class. Normally any time with Mrs P turned into the best part of my day, but today I shuffled towards her with dread.

"Holly, let's put your pictures up here so I can show you what I mean." Mrs P said the moment everyone had left the classroom with snickers and sneers.

"Is it because, you know, they're made up?" I gulped before asking.

"Not at all. I think in their own right that each one of them have exceptional imagination, magnificent colouring and detail."

Exceptional and magnificent were great starting words but I worried about what else she wanted to say. With a deep breath, I opened to the dragon and placed it on the easel. I had no problem with criticism from Mrs P. For years she has pointed out different methods for me to try and I normally took her advice. Her response from earlier was where my problem stemmed from.


"There's only one thing missing." She tapped a finger against the dragon.

"Um, what is it?" I stared at him thinking I'd forgot to add his tail or something but no, it was there.

"This is your last year to showcase your talents and to get that scholarship that I know you desperately want. That's why I'm going to be harder on you than any other year. I want you to present your best works so the industry will sit up and take notice of you."

"Mrs P, I get that, but what's it got to do with my dragon?" my anxiety started growing from the second she started her spiel.

"What I see here is a fantastic beast but what I don't see is your emotional connection to that beast," she placed a finger against his golden head where flames shot from his mouth in dangerous reds and flaming oranges. "With this, it's like you've disconnected from your work and that saddens me."

My stunned self had nothing to say in response. If I showed my true self, tears would've fallen all over my poor unemotional dragon already. Had I become disconnected from the one thing that I truly loved? How had this happened?

"Um, what do you suggest I do?" I asked around the huge lump in my throat.

"I want you to find a way to embrace your art. You need to find that Holly spark from wherever its gone missing," she smiled with encouragement. "I have a friend named Pips who runs an art course. It starts in two weeks on Tuesday and Thursday. Would you consider attending? There'll be no charge as the school will pay for your attendance as if it's an extra class. I know she would go over most of the basics that you are aware of but I think you could pick up valuable insight into how others see art."

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