Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Holly, before you head out, don't forget the barbecue with the Colton's tonight." Mum called out as I started packing up my glitter filled signs for Gabe's debate.

"I haven't. Gabe will make sure I'm there regardless, so I don't know what the big deal is."

"Of course he will," Dad sounded amused as he went to walk past me. "Dare I ask why you're wearing such different colours?" he tilted his head at me.

My dad was a tall, broad man who always seemed to take up a lot of space. His blue eyes crinkled at me from beneath his blonde, bushy eyebrows.

"The girl I met in my art class, Serena, she's on the opposing team to Gabe. I said I'd cheer for her because she normally doesn't have anyone who attends her debates." I explained.

"You're now cheering for both sides." Dad chuckled.

"As crazy as it sounds but yes, I will do exactly that. I'm sure to look idiotic but I promised her I'd cheer."

"That's my girl." Dad looked proud as he tapped me on the head.

Serena's words about my confidence the other day floated through my mind. Was it things like this that she meant? I had half a red face for Gabe and half a green face for Serena's. My clothes were a mismatch of red and green for the different school colours. Yes, I did resemble an obscure Christmas tree.

I couldn't deny how silly I felt but it wouldn't stop me from doing what I've promised. The last thing I intended to do was to let people down. Serena deserved my support just as much as Gabe did.

A knock on the door heralded Gabe's arrival. I threw the door open and faced him with a grin. The gobsmacked expression on his face turned into a matching grin not long after.

"You're looking a tad mismatched today." Gabe said as he looked me up and down.

"I told Serena I'd cheer for her." I shrugged.

"Yeah, I know but I thought you were going for an early Christmas present at first. At least you're wearing more red than green."

"I'm still going to cheer for you, don't worry." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Just checking."

"What are you two doing after the debate?" Mum poked her head out of the kitchen.

"Shopping." I replied without a pause.

"Shopping?" three voices all said as they focused on me.

Everyone knew I wasn't much of a shopper. Unless it had to do with new paints, pencils, brushes or paper, I generally wasn't interested. Mum bought most of my clothes when I couldn't be bothered. She also liked dressing me up in the latest fashions, meaning I should do my own shopping. I hated some of the stuff she bought.

"Yes, shopping. I promised Gabe I'd go shopping for something and today's the best day to get started." I insisted.

My parents continued to stare at me, while Gabe ducked his blushing face. He knew what I meant. On our date we had talked about shopping for sexy undies. Today I intended to buy a set with Gabe in tow. Why, everyone's sure to ask. The truth is I wanted to test mum and Serena's theory. Surely if he liked me there would be some kind of tell when we went underwear shopping.

"Don't forget about the barbecue to..."

I interrupted mum, "we won't. Are you ready to go now, Gabe?" I picked up my signs and turned to him.

"Yeah, we should, uh, we should get going." He did that thing where he scrubbed his hand on the back of his neck.

"We'll see you two this afternoon."

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