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The cat opposite was strange, she smelled strange. She didn't smell cat - ish enough to bark at. The Great Dane looked at her and sniffed. Biscuits, chocolate and fireworks made an oddly normal combination. Yet... dammit now she wanted biscuits. Panting, she whined and scrabbled at the window of the house. Food.

"Get out you lousy mutt!" Food. "Get out!" Tilt your head and whine. "I said get out!" Silver jumped back and barked, growling when it sank in that the muggle would have kicked her from her perch. She growled for a solid three minutes and snapped at the obese bugger. Fat sack of...!

"Meow" The cat was looking at her again. The muggle were vile and they both knew it. Silver barked again until their neighbour brought food. Then she nuzzled the woman's palm and tucked in, tongue lolling out in the heat. Silver licked her lips happily and barked at the cat before touching one paw. The cat just blinked at her so she  whined and trod more heavily on its paw, biting its nose impatiently and then leaving a massive wad of unwanted gift on the muggles' doormat. She sniffed as if the act was now beneath her and trotted back to the corner of the road. A white haired girl stood up and whispered

"Baby" Then she was unseen and home. The loud cries subsided as she walked forward "Shhh... listen to Metal" Two children to raise. She couldn't.


"You can"

here's the first chapter, tell me your thoughts. hope you enjoy it. <3

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