Anger and Mail

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Silver watched from her seat hovering in the air as Draco screamed in frustration after losing the snitch again.

"Snow! Remember it's just a game!" She watched him calm only slightly and sighed. Maybe he'd turn out the same no matter who raised him. Longing to be the perfect Malfoy. Ensnared in choices that weren't real choices. Living in a nightmare and left alone in it. She watched him dive for the snitch again and noticed Remus watching her.

"I'm still not entirely sure why you don't trust your parents to raise him" Aside from the obvious facts. Lucius still believed in pureblood superiority and Narcissa was too quiet to defend anyone against him.

"I wanted him to have a life not a nightmare. He would've been a trophy child just like I would've been if..." The stain Bellatrix left still covered her life. Remus just nodded quietly 

"I know" He watched Harry walk over frowning "What's the matter pup?"

"What's a mud-blood?" After a short silence Remus answered 

"That is a word you mustn't repeat. Who said it?" Harry lead them over to where they'd been flying. Hermione was soaking her book with tears when Silver bent down to her level.

"Who said that to you?" Hermione just pointed to where Draco was yelling at another child.

"Don't call her a mud-blood! I bet I know how to hex your gormless eyes out!" A gentle squeezing grip on his shoulder made Draco turn. Silver looked down at the disturbed eyes of a little Parkinson

"Run along before you receive a reason to" Then she hissed out a strange drawling language as they walked away. When Harry's eyes narrowed she explained "Shadow tongue. I can speak many languages but they mainly happen when I'm angry. Saracesse naresast kisett means blind little racist." She left out what else she had said. Even muggle swears were swears. They went back to Grimauld where Sirius was grinning like a lunatic.

"The post arrived" All the children ran to it.

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