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"Right, transfiguration textbooks." Remus looked around at which shop to look in while Hermione went back to imitating the muggle character Belle by walking with her nose in a book. Sirius pulled her back gently from colliding with someone.

"Look where you're going next time dunce!" A boy with cropped chestnut/blonde hair loomed over her slightly so Silver stepped in

"Play nicely Marius" She looked down at him when he snorted

"Father told me all about you. Adopting a mud-"

"Finish the word darling. Go on" Silver's eyes gleamed as she started becoming his boggart. So this was the unfortunate her parents had adopted. Had twisted into a trophy child brat. She looked down at Draco. "The books'll be next to Madam Malkins. Then we need to get you all a familiar after your robe fitting" Steering the children away she kept an eye on Hermione and squeezed her shoulder.

"How did you do that? You started transforming" Harry looked at her curiously until she explained.

"My father felt I limited his capacity to serve Voldemort so he avada kedavra'd me in the womb. Since I was never born my power is unlimited."

"You weren't born? Then... how're you here?"

"Each Unborn with a destined purpose lives to the age they would have died at to fulfil it. We then stay that age. Forever" She said the last word quietly. "Charming father wasn't he?" They never proved it. Draco looked down and bit his lip. "Oh Baby!" Silver hugged him and pulled back trying to smile "Let's get your things" She held in the sigh as a house elf gasped in the corner.

"Master Lucius has been very evil, very evil indeed!" Then he realised his words and hit himself "BAD DOBBY BAD DOBBY BAD BAD!"

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