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Draco was already hungry when she got up. The little snow head was crying and sucking his thumb while Harry gurgled and Hermione slept through it somehow. Silver walked towards Harry's cot and ruffled his hair.

"Up already Harry?" She reached into the cupboard behind his cot as Draco cried more loudly, verging on screaming until she walked over to him with the bottle. She picked up his toy hypogriff and tucked it under his arm while scooping him up. "There you go Baby, no need for all that fuss now is there?" Silver nuzzled his hair as Draco sucked from the bottle greedily, closing his eyes and whining when she pulled it away to pace him. "You'd choke on this if I let you wouldn't you greedy boy?" She laughed and let him drink again when he reached for it after swallowing. Padfoot trotted in with a bag eyed Moony trailing behind. Moony went over to Hermione to coax her awake while Padfoot trotted over to Harry to nudge his cot door open. Harry clambered out onto his back and giggled. An owl flew into the window so Moony opened it and took the letter. It was a scarlet stamped Seether from Minerva. Steam was still rising from the corners when Padfoot turned back into Sirius (Harry having climbed off of his back) and opened it. He almost scrunched it into a ball before Remus could read it but Moony plucked it from his grip before it could happen.

"Sirius calm down, this is merely Skeeter trying to stir the pot again now she doesn't have a story" The letter did still get to him slightly.

Dear Remus and Sirius (soon to be) Lupin - Black

Dumbledore appears to have an incurable case of what I believe muggle call 'foot in mouth'. He has suggested to me that you and your charge Miss Malfoy, would not be suited to raising the boy who lived. I have watched the relatives he intended to send the boy to live with, and I am firmly on your side. Miss Malfoy is hardly at fault for her condition, and the following article infuriates me. I am sure you do not intend to send young Harry to the Dursleys. Therefore I beseech you to give me your permission to fight for you in this matter.

Yours always loyal, 

Minerva McGonagall.

p.s - thank you for finally getting engaged, the way you acted at Hogwarts I'm surprised it took this long.

Remus smiled at the p.s before reading the article.

A dangerous suspect, an unpredictable half breed and an unsuited non existent have been chosen to care for the boy who lived. The words of ministry official Dolores Umbridge raise questions...

He couldn't read the rest. Silver was perfect, the insult made him heat slightly before breathing and looking at Sirius. He shook his head. Silver couldn't be allowed to see it. 

"I can guess what it says" Silver's voice was sad. She was twenty eight and wiser than to think there weren't bigots in the world. She kissed Draco's forehead "I don't care when I have Baby" How could she be unsuited?

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