First Signs

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Her skin flared when Remus went pale. He sat down heavily enough to have fainted. Sirius yelled and tore the Daily Prophet in half. Kissing Remus' cheek he started whispering soothingly in his ear.

"It's all right Moony, he can't get you, I won't. Let him. If he comes close to coming near you I'll tear his throat out." Silver doubted he'd have to turn into Padfoot to carry it out. Fenrir Greyback had been broken out of Azkaban. Remus was shaking as Sirius held him, silent tears rolling from his eyes when a plump ginger witch popped into their fireplace with her arms open.

"Remus dear I just heard! You poor boy! How about we take the children today, and you two relax? How's that sound?" Molly pulled back from the tight, maternal hug and turned to Silver "How about we fetch them?" They both went upstairs towards the shrieks and laughter coming from the children's room. Remus felt the gash and scar on the back of his neck. He could still sink one finger into the gash. Sirius pulled his hand away and kissed it, pulling him forward into a soothing kiss. Remus breathed when they pulled back

"Paddy you can't promise he won't reach me" He didn't say more due to another kiss cutting him off. Sirius combed his hair back and stroked it near the gash.

"He'll have to reach me first" Molly and Silver came downstairs with Hermione beside Silver and Draco and Harry in-between Silver and Molly. Hermione tugged her sleeve so Silver looked down

"My book changed" The nine year old explained again "I was looking at it and the words changed" Remus kneeled in front of her

"Did you like what you were reading?" Hermione shook her head

"But why did it change?" Silver smiled at the impatient hint in her tone. She turned to the boys

"Have either of you read this one?" Draco nodded

"I warned her she wouldn't like it" He sounded slightly smug so Silver fixed him with a warning glance. "I did though! It's not my fault..."

"Snow" She said it firmly enough that he apologised. "Did either of you start thinking about it?" Harry answered

"I thought about how it should have ended. Well, how I wanted it to" Silver prompted with her eyes so he added "I wanted the goblins to let them all go and find the gold." Hermione shrieked and covered her ears

"Spoilers!" Silver laughed slightly and Harry finished

"It seemed happier." His eyes widened as he caught on "Did I change the book?!" Silver grinned

"It seems you did. Your first bit of magic. Now Snow" She fixed his mood with her next sentence "You can continue your game in the park, now if you stop sulking we'll go to Fortescue's" Suddenly he was a ball of sunshine. 

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