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"Crucio!" Her deranged aunt's voice rang in her head as Silver screamed. She shot up in bed like a bullet from a muggle weapon and kept screaming. 

"Silver!" She wasn't in the Malfoy Manor. "It's alright, you're alright here. You're with us" That wasn't Lucius or Bellatrix looking back at her. She breathed hard and tried to cover the sobs from the memory. 

"Paddy!" She sobbed incoherently into the shaggy black hair that her guardian had even in human form and kept on wailing. Sirius called for Moony when Silver's breathing started to hyperventilate.

"Look at me, look at me Silver. We're going to breathe in for four. That's good. Excellent. Hold for five. Out for six. Alright, let's keep going. In for four. One. Two. Three. Four." Moony sat with her while Sirius explained that she'd had a nightmare to the children.

"I am a nightmare." Silver breathed but her voice was dented. "Every day - I look in that glass and I'm a poltergeist. My aunt and father killed me when I was four! I only have this much power because I was meant to survive for someone and I failed them! I wasn't even meant to survive for myself, just for someone else!" Silver didn't cry again but kept hiccupping. She'd never got to leave the womb of having no powers to control so they were uncontrolled. And the only kindness that Lucius had done her was cast an avada kedavra after her nerves had gone dead from the cruciatus curse. His parting words to her; always meddling and still of no use. 

She smiled a little at the fact she'd meddled by going to play with muggle children. A blood traitor from toddling stage. She saw the dark light again and kept on sobbing slightly while Moony held her. 

"Shhh, it's alright. You're never leaving us." 

Although she would have left someone at twenty seven. Who was she meant to survive for?

"They're lucky, whoever they are." Padfoot. Silver smiled slightly and passed out like she did after every 'nightmare'. This time she dreamt of bright blue lights and shadows and veils. She twitched in her sleep occasionally but the exhaustion overrode it.

Harry, Draco and Hermione were curious. Please, Merlin or Morgana, don't let them find out. Although with them it was bound to find deaf ears to fall on.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2022 ⏰

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