Monthly Memories

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Sirius twitched in his sleep, pulling Remus closer and curling around him as much as he could considering his Moon's height. Remus screwed his face up in his sleep, grunting slightly and kicking.

He was four when it happened. He was rolling down the bank as usual with his parents waiting at the door and Marceiah sleeping with her head on her paws next to them. He stayed in their sight line and begged for one more roll down the slope.

"Okay, one more and then come in or your dinner'll go cold" Hope smiled at her little monkey and turned to Lyall. That's when the growling started.

"Ceiah stop that! Remus is fine you overprotective nanny!" Lyall laughed and ruffled the dog's ears before freezing. "Hope darling... she's not growling" Remus was halfway down the bank when he started sprinting. "Remus!" He was rolling and couldn't stop. Someone was there and getting closer every second. THUD! "REMUS!" He hit the end of the bank and scrambled towards his father. Two hands were dragging him by his arms towards them. "Remus!"

"REMUS ANSWER US!" Hope was frantic but the thing had covered his mouth. It couldn't be human. Then it spoke.

"Rrrrrremus... I like it" The four year old struggled against  its grip and was lifted easily from the ground, kicking to get back down.

"GET OFF OF MY BABY!" Hope transformed into her animagus and ran at them, tearing a piece of flesh out with her teeth. She was thrown off uselessly. Fenrir faced Lyall as the torture curse flew at his nose.

"Crucio!" Each time he dodged until he did it. Fenrir stroked the four year old's arms and trailed his mouth down his neck. "Cru-!" He bit down. Lyall dropped his wand as Remus screamed in unison with his mother


Hands massaged his shoulders as his Star whispered

"Shh Remus. Moony, you're here. Listen to me. You aren't there. You're here and I've got you. He's not going to reach you. He'll have to reach me." Sirius turned him around and hugged him as Remus trembled, the dog like whimpers changing to human sobs "I'm here" He kissed his Moon's forehead gently "You're here" The children stayed naive.

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