It Follows

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With Jacob
Jacob was in his room when he hears glass breaking downstairs he walks out his room going downstairs seeing his mother breaking wine bottles crying hysterically.

Jacob: Mom! Stop it!
Teresa: Shut Up! This is all your fault!!!
She said hitting him continuously
Jacob: Stop It!
He said crying
Jacob: Stop!!!
He push her with all his energy making her fall on the floor

Jacob: I fucking hate you!!!
He said running upstairs he packs some clothes in his bag, he goes back downstairs
Jacob: I'm leaving and I'm never coming back!!!
He walks out the door

With Aicha
Aicha: Mommy where are we?
She asked as they get off the travel bus
Tina: Las Angles baby we're gonna start over
She said taking her hand crossing the street

Later That Day
At Diner

Aicha was eating her food while Tina sits there looking around
Aicha: You not going to eat momma?
Tina: No it's ok baby you can eat

Later That Night
Tina and Aicha were walking ever since they got LA, it was 8:56pm Aicha was getting tired.

Aicha: Momma I'm tired
Tina: I know sweetheart
They continue walking they walk into a park and sit down on the bench
Tina: Come
Aicha lays her head down on her lap and falls asleep

With Jacob
Jacob was walking on the street not knowing where to go when a police stops him.
Police: Hey young man, what you doing out this late?
Jacob: ...
Police: Are you lost?
Jacob: No, I just can't go back home
Police: Why not?
Jacob: ... She keeps hitting me
Police: What's your name?
Jacob: Jacob Perez
Police: Ok, your gonna have to come with me ok
Jacob: Ok

Jacob follows the police to his car going to the station

With Aicha

Aicha wakes up seeing that her mother was gone, she looks around the dark park not seeing her mother. Her heart starts beating in fear.

Aicha: Momma!!!
She screams hearing echos and she starts tearing, she gets up walking out the park looking around seeing her mother giving someone head, Aicha gasp walking back in the park closing her eyes traumatized. She quickly walks back to the bench.

With Jacob
At Police Station

Police: How old are you?
Jacob: 6
Police: Has your mom been hitting you a lot
Jacob: Yeah, she drinks a lot too
Police: Ok we're gonna find a new home for you don't worry
Jacob: Ok

With Aicha
Tina: Aicha come on
Tina grabs their things she takes Aicha's hands walking out the park going to a motel

At Motel
Tina takes Aicha a quick bath changing her clothes putting her to bed. Tina sits on the chair and starts injecting herself with heroin

Aicha: Momma
Tina: Go to sleep Aicha
Aicha watches her mother shot her self with heroin as she falls sleep

Next Day
With Jacob

SS: This is your new home
Jacob looks around
SS: And this is your foster mother Shella
Shella: Hi sweetheart
Jacob: Hi
SS: This is Jacob
Shella: Your so cute
Jacob : Thank you
SS: Well I'll leave you guys to it, I'll check in from time to time ok Jacob?
Jacob: Yeah
She leaves

Shella: Ok well let me show you to your room, you'll be staying with Chresanto he's really nice you'll get along with him he's about your age I'll introduce you to everyone else as well

Jacob: Ok

With Aicha
Aicha: Momma can I get ice cream?
Tina: No Beyonce
Aicha: Please Momma?!
Tina: I said no!

She said pulling her hand walking on the street and Aicha starts whining

Tina: Stop It Aicha!

Tina: Stay here and wait for me ok?
Aicha: No Momma!
Tina: Stay right there Aicha!
She walks away leaving Aicha in a dark alley
Aicha: No Momma don't leave me!
She said crying and Tina walks away

With Jacob
Jacob: Hi I'm Jacob what's your name?
Chresanto: Chresanto But you can call me Roc
Jacob: Cool
He said placing his things on his bed
Roc: Why you here?
Jacob: My mother, she hits me lot and she drinks a lot too
Roc: My mom too
Jacob: How long you been here?
Roc: Like 6 Months
Jacob: Is it good being here?
Roc: Not really, you'll see for yourself

With Aicha
Aicha was sleeping on floor in the alley when suddenly she's awaken by a group of guys
???: Hey look at this little girl
Aicha quickly gets up backing up from them
???: Hey, she kinda cute
He said as they get closer to her
???: What's your name baby girl?
Aicha: ...

Her heart starts beating in fear as one of the guys touch her face, Aicha gets up backing away

???: Where's mommy and daddy huh?
Tina comes looking at them
Tina: Get away from her!!!
She said running towards them she grabs Aicha's hand pulling her close to her
???: Relax we wasn't going to touch her!
Tina: Whatever
Tina grabs their things about to walk away
???: Hold Up! What's your name?
Tina looks at them
Tina: Tina
???: I hear you good at what you do
Tina: Yeah and?
???: How much for all of us?
Tina sighs and looks at Aicha
Tina: ... $2000

At Motel
Aicha was sitting outside the motel room hearing her mother moaning and the all 5 guys grunting. Aicha gets up peeking through the window seeing her mother having sex with all 5 guys she quickly sits back down covering her ears as tears stream down her face.

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