My Friend

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Few Days Later
At School

Aicha was sitting down doing her work when Jacob comes and sits next to her

Jacob: Hi
Aicha: Hi
Jacob: Do you need help?
Aicha: Yeah, I hate math
Jacob: You can copy me
Aicha looks at his paper copying down the work
Jacob: Your eye is getting better
Aicha: It still hurts a little
Jacob: Did he punch you that hard?
Aicha: Yeah I was in the hospital
Jacob: I'm really sorry
Aicha: It's ok
Indya: Jacob come here!
Jacob: I'll be back
He gets up walking towards her

At Recess
Aicha was sitting by herself watching everyone play, she gets up walking over to the girls.

Aicha: Hi
They look at her
Aicha: Can I play?
Indya: Ew no! You look dirty!
Dylan: Why do you want to play with us?
Aicha: Because I have no one to play with
Indya: Well not with us! Dirty

She said pushing Aicha on the floor and they walk away, Jacob was watching the whole thing he watches Aicha get up going back to her seat sitting down, he walks up to her seeing her fingers in her mouth tears streaming down her eyes.

Jacob: Are you ok?
She looks at him and looks back down
Aicha: No one wants to be my friend
Jacob: That's not true
He said sitting next to her
Jacob: I'm your best friend remember?
Aicha: Yeah
Jacob: Do you want to play with me?
Aicha: Ok

At Home

Aicha was in her room coloring when she hears loud noises coming from the living room she walks out her room looking downstairs seeing a guy hitting Shella as she cries, Aicha was about to walk downstairs when Jacob grabs her hand pulling her into his room

Jacob: What are you doing?!
Aicha: He was hitting her
Jacob: I know he always does that every time he comes he hits her and sometimes us too.
Aicha: But Why?
Jacob: I don't know, just stay out of his way he's dangerous
Aicha: Ok
Jacob: You can sleep in my room tonight if you want
Aicha: Ok

During That Night
Aicha's Dream

Aicha: Momma don't leave me please
She said crying
Tina: I have to go baby
She runs away leaving Aicha there when 5 guys come and jump her.

Aicha screams crying waking up, Jacob wakes up
Jacob: What happened?! Are you ok?!
Aicha shakes her head no crying
Jacob: You had a bad dream?
She nods
Jacob: It's ok
He hugs her
Jacob: Your always safe with me

5 Years Later
Aicha was now 10 years old Jacob was 11, they got really close as friends Jacob always had her back and protected her. He stood up for her whenever people made fun of her and he also fought for her as well. Aicha and Jacob was getting really pretty and handsome. But Jacob was starting to get in a lot of trouble fighting all the time in school.

At The Park
Aicha was writing in her song book singing her songs Jacob was in the basketball court playing basketball when a group boys around her age comes up to Aicha throwing her book on the ground.

Aicha: Hey!
She said standing up
???: What are you gonna do?! Dirty!
???: Yeah and your mother is slut!
Aicha: No she's not!
???: Yes she is!

He said pushing her on the floor Jacob looks over at her seeing the boys hitting her he quickly runs towards them punching on the boys in his face

Jacob: Don't touch her!!!
Mike Roc EJ Ray And Chris comes running towards them

Jacob and the boys starts fighting Jacob kept punching him in his face making him bleed

Aicha: Jacob stop! It's ok
She said grabbing his hand
Chris: Come On we have to leave
Jacob grabs Aicha's hand
Aicha: Wait I have to get my book
She said picking up her book and they leave the park

At Home
Aicha was in her room playing with her cards when Jacob walks in closing the door

Jacob: Are you ok?
Aicha: Yeah
He sits in on the floor next to her
Aicha: You don't have to fight for me Jacob
Jacob: They we're hitting you
Aicha: I know but it doesn't make it better if we hit them back right?
Jacob: You can live by that but I won't
Aicha: Let's play

She said giving him some of the cards and they start playing

5 Mins Later
Aicha: Jacob your cheating!
She said laughing
Jacob: No I'm not
He said laughing
Aicha: Yes you are you have to pick up two!
Jacob: No

He said laughing throwing the cards in the air she laughs as he falls on top of her laughing, he looks into her eyes and quickly kiss her lips she laughs

Aicha: Jacob
She said sitting up as he gets off of her
Jacob: ... I'm sorry
Aicha: It's ok, lets play again
She said picking up the cards

3 Days Later
Aicha walks down the stairs seeing Gibson their foster care father who only showed up in the house a few days out the month.

Gibson: Go get me some water little girl
Aicha walks in the kitchen bringing him a bottled water when Jacob comes downstairs grabbing Aicha's hand.

Jacob: I told you to stay away from him Aicha!
Gibson: What you said lil nigga?!
Jacob: I wasn't talking to you! Come on Aicha!
He said taking her hand about to go upstairs when Gibson pulls Aicha back

Gibson: Who the fuck you think you are lil nigga!
Jacob: My name is Jacob asshole!

Gibson punches Jacob in his face making him fall on the ground Jacob gets up trying to hit him back but he was to small compared to Gibson who punched him in his face again

Aicha: Stop hitting him!!!
She yells pushing Gibson and Gibson slaps her Shella comes running down the stairs

Shella: Gibson stop it!!!
She said pushing him
Shella: Aicha and Jacob go upstairs now!

Aicha helps Jacob up and they go upstairs to his room.

Aicha: I'm so sorry Jacob I should've listened to you
She said putting the wet cloth on his face
Jacob: ... It's ok, when I get older I'm going to hurt him

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