Jealously Part 3

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Jacob follows Aicha out into the woods
Jacob: Aicha What the hell! Why would you threaten her like that?!
Aicha: Leave me alone Jacob
Jacob: Seriously?!

Aicha: You shouldn't even be sticking up for her! You been with her ever since we got here you won't even look at me! Is she more fun then me? I am to boring for you Jacob?

Jacob: What?! Why would you even think that?!

Aicha: I feel like your house wife sometimes a person who you just have sex with the mother of your child while you go out and have the time of your life!

Jacob: Come On Aicha you know thats not true I'm with you in house 90% of the time
Aicha: And all you do is have sex! We don't even go out on dates or anything!
Jacob: We have a 7 Week year old child! There's not much we can really do!!

Aicha: Then Maybe I'll find another man who'll take care of me the right way other then having sex all the time!

Jacob: ... Your joking right? Is that what your telling me?
He said looking at her
Aicha: ...
Jacob: ... I'm done with you for the night don't talk to me for real
Aicha: I don't wanna talk to you anyway
She said as he walks away back to the group Aicha wipes her tears off her face sitting down on the log

With Jacob
Roc: Yo What happened?
Jacob: She bugging out I don't know
Aicha: Don't talk about me behind my back Jacob!
She said walking in the camp fire
Jacob: Well if you heard me I wasn't talking behind your back right?!

The boys laughs and Aicha rolls her eyes going inside the Rv taking a quick shower changing her clothes, she sits down calling Shella

Phone Convo
Shella: Hello?
Aicha: Hi Shella!
She said smiling
Shella: Hi baby!
Aicha: Is everything ok! How's RoRo?
Shella: She's Great She's such a beautiful baby angel
Aicha: Yeah She's amazing
Shella: How's the camping trip going?
Aicha: Bad, me and Jacob are fighting right now
Shella: What happened now?
Aicha: Some girl keeps flirting with him and he's just clueless about it and he's sticking up for her

Shella: Communication is key you guys got to be able to talk especially since you guys are young

Aicha: He told me not to talk to him for the rest of the night so
Shella: Typical Jacob
Aicha: I'll call you later Shella
Shella: Ok sweetheart
End of Phone Convo

Aicha gets up leaving the Rv going into her and Jacobs tent laying down watching a movie on her phone

With Jacob

Jacob walks into the tent closing it seeing Aicha watching a movie on her phone, he takes her phone turning it off

Aicha: Why would you do that?!
She said looking at him
Jacob: Cause you pissed me off tonight so I'm gonna do the same
Aicha: I should've never came here I should've stayed home with my child

She said laying down
Jacob: You should have
Aicha: Your so mean to me sometimes
Jacob: I wouldn't be mean if you don't piss me off!
Aicha: I'm bout to go sleep in the Rv
She said getting up
Jacob: You not going no where!
He said pulling her back down getting on top of her

Aicha: Get off of me!
Jacob: Stop fronting like you don't like having sex with me
He said kissing her neck
Aicha: I do but I don't want it to be the only thing we do

Jacob: It's not, I promise we'll go out more but I honestly just got used to staying home and just being with you i don't like going out but I'll do it for you

Aicha: Thank you, I appreciate it
He kiss her
Aicha: But That doesn't give u a pass for that Skylar bitch!
She said pushing him off
Jacob: It's not that serious Aicha
Aicha: I don't want you hanging around her anymore
Jacob: For real?
Aicha: Yes I don't want you to go near her!
Jacob: Alright Fine I won't I promise
Aicha: Good
She lays back down

Next Day
At Breakfast

Everyone was at the table outside having breakfast Aicha walks out the Rv and sits next to Jacob who was eating

Aicha: Who cooked that?
Jacob: I don't know I'm just hungry, you want some
Aicha: No I wanna go home
Jacob: Me too
Aicha: So let's leave
Jacob: Let's just chill for the day we'll leave later tonight plus I wanna go on a date with you
Aicha: Out here?
Jacob: Yeah we're gonna go on a romantic walk just the both of us
She smiles

Aicha: Ok, I know your not a Romantic person so I'm happy that your at least trying
Jacob: You know me so well
He said kissing her lips

Later That Day
Aicha and Jacob were walking and talking holding hands.
Aicha: Do you want another baby?
Jacob: Of course I do but not now I wanna get our careers together before we have another child
Aicha: I been meaning to tell you, I don't think I wanna sing anymore
He stops and looks at her
Jacob: What?!
Aicha: I mean I'm gonna sing still but's I don't want to get famous from it. I'm not into it anymore

Jacob: Are you kidding me Aicha your working with Jay Z!

Aicha: I know but it's been a few weeks of working being in the studio and I'm missing time with Royalty, I'll still make music and sing at clubs and stuff make some kind of money

Jacob: I don't know Aicha

Aicha: My mother wasn't there for me majority of the time I wanna be different even though I'm not singing as much I can work with you in your business maybe even create a business of my own

She said smiling

Jacob: Ok

Aicha: We got this we can do this together
She said kissing him, they continued walking until they see a bench and sit down next to each other facing each other

Jacob: Your so beautiful
He said kissing her lips and she smiles as he kiss her neck softly
Jacob: So Beautiful
She smiles and kiss him
Aicha: I love you so much
Jacob: I love you more

Later That Night
Jacob was sitting by himself playing a game on his phone when Skylar comes up to him
Skylar: Hey
He looks at her
Jacob: Hey
Skylar: I heard your working on a clothing line
Jacob: Yeah I'm in the process of getting it done
He said looking at her
Skylar: I can help you if you want I know a couple of people that can help you

She said smiling at him Aicha walks out the tent and looks at them talking

Aicha: Jacob!
He looks at her
Aicha: I finished packing
Jacob: Alright Uh
He looks at Skylar
Jacob: We'll talk later I have to go
Skylar: Where you going?
Jacob: I'm going home
He said getting up
Jacob: We'll talk about this later I'll see you
He said walking away

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