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Aicha walked home crying, she walks in the house hearing the boys talking in the living room. She quickly wipes her tears taking off her heels. She walks in the living room and the boys looks at her.

Jacob: How was it?
She ignores him walking up the stairs
Jacob: Aicha?!
She slams her room door locking it
Roc: I'm guessing the date didn't go so well
Jacob gets up going to her room twisting the knob seeing that it's locked

Jacob: Aicha open the door
She lays on the bed crying ignoring him
Jacob: Aicha?!

He sighs looking for the key on the top of the door he unlocks it closing the door and she covers her face with the blanket as he sits on the bed

Jacob: Aicha What happened?
Aicha: Nothing
Jacob: So Why are you crying?
Aicha: I'm not
He takes the blanket off her face seeing her eyes red from crying
Jacob: Sit Up
She sits up leaning on the headboard
Jacob: What happened?
Aicha: I'm not telling you Jacob
Jacob: Why not?

Aicha: Cause If I Tell you the first thing your gonna do tomorrow when we get to school is beat him up and send him to the hospital

Jacob: I'm gonna send him to the hospital either way you tell me or not! You walked in crying so I know he did something wrong so just tell me!

Aicha: ... Well he came an hour late, he ordered food I was talking when he kissed me it was going good until he put his hands under my dress. When I told him to stop he said he thought I was like my mother then he called me a bitch leaving me there.

She said crying
Aicha: Is that what guys really think of me?!
Jacob: He's a dick head Aicha don't Nothing of it
He said hugging her
Jacob: Don't cry
He said wiping her tears

Next Day
At School

Aicha was in her 7th period class when she hears loud noises outside
???: What is that?
???: Oh shit there's a fight!!!

Everyone runs out Aicha walks out pushing past everyone seeing Jacob punching Tray in the face continuously Tray was bleeding very badly. Jacob picks him up slamming his head against the lockers slamming back down down to the ground.

Aicha: Jacob stop it!!!
The security guards Come grabbing Jacob putting him in hand cuffs taking him away

After School
Aicha was sitting outside waiting for Jacob, he walks out the school and walks up to her sitting down

Aicha: What happened? Are you in trouble?
Jacob: I have detention everyday after school for a week and I can't perform Friday
Aicha: Aww man! I told you not to fight him Jacob!

Jacob: Non Of That shit means anything to me when it comes to you Aicha! Your the only female I really care about in this world.
She holds his hands
Aicha: I just don't like it when you fight Jacob
Jacob: I know but I'll fight for you any time any day
She smiles and hugs him
Aicha: I love you
Jacob: I love you too
He kiss her forehead

Friday Night
At Talent Fest

Different people were coming on stage singing and dancing
Aicha: This is so much fun Jacob!
She said smiling
Aicha: Everyone is having a good time I really wish you was up there though
Jacob: Maybe next time, imma go get us some snacks
Aicha: Ok
He gets up leaving when a girl comes up to her and sits in Jacobs seat

???: Hey
Aicha looks at her and smiles
Aicha: Hi
???: Your name is Aicha right?
Aicha: Yeah
???: I'm Winter nice to meet you
She said smiling
Aicha: Nice to meet you too
Saweetie: I see you and Jacob is around each other a lot are you guys together?
Aicha: Oh no! Were just friends
Saweetie: So you wouldn't mind if I talk to him
Aicha: Oh no if you want I can talk to him
Saweetie: That'll Be great thank you
Aicha: No problem
She gets up walking away and Jacob comes giving her chips and soda sitting down
Aicha: Thank you

At Home
They go home take a shower, Aicha was brushing her hair when Jacob walks in eating candy sitting down on the desk chair

Jacob: You Just got out the shower?
Aicha: Yeah
She said tying her hair up walking to the bed sitting down
Aicha: I met this girl tonight her name is Saweetie  you know her?
Jacob: I know of her yeah
Aicha: She wants to talk to you and hang out with you she likes you
She said smiling

Jacob: She likes me?
Aicha: Yeah
Jacob: And What makes her different from the rest of the girls that like me?
Aicha: The fact that I'm telling you she like you
Jacob: And What you want me to do?
Aicha: Ask her out

He looks at her

Jacob: Why
Aicha: Because I don't have any friends Jacob maybe if you take her out she'll be my friend
Jacob: Are you serious?
Aicha: Yeah
Jacob: You want me to ask this girl out so she can be your friend?
Aicha: Yeah I'll do it for you
Jacob: I wouldn't even ask you to do something like that for me Aicha are you kidding?!
Aicha: ... Your right I'm sorry
He sighs
Jacob: ... I'll talk to her but I'm not gonna ask her out that's pushing it
Aicha: Alright

At School

Aicha: Go now Jacob she's right there
Jacob walks up to Winter
Jacob: Hey
He said smiling at her
Saweetie: Hi
Jacob: Your name is Winter right?
Saweetie: Yeah and your Jacob
Jacob: Nice to meet you
Saweetie: Nice to meet you too
Jacob: You cute
Saweetie: And your sexy
He laughs
Saweetie: What you doing today after school?
Jacob: Whatever you doing
Saweetie: Pizza Shop Just me and you after school
Jacob: Ok let me get your number
He said taking his phone out giving it to her and she puts her number in
Jacob: I'll call you
Saweetie: I'll be waiting

She said smiling walking away and Jacob walks up to Aicha

Aicha: What she say?
Jacob: She asked me out after school
Aicha: Where you guys going?
Jacob: The Pizza Shop
Aicha: That's Great! She's really beautiful and she may even be your type
She said smiling
Jacob: We'll see

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