Jealously Part 2

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At Home
RoRo was in the bed screaming rolling around having her own fun while Aicha was cleaning the closet Jacob walks in

Jacob: Aicha look how much we have in our account

He should showing her the phone seeing $250,000

Aicha: How'd we get that much?
Jacob: I got paid and I'm meeting with some business people later on this week to talk about my clothing line
Aicha: That's amazing!
She said smiling
Jacob: I'm gonna keep working and build this up then we'll be set for life. Right RoRo?

He said walking to the bed picking her up kissing her cheek she screams smiling

Jacob: Oh yeah I forgot the boys wanna go camping you wanna come
Aicha: I would love to but what about RoRo
Jacob: We'll get a baby sitter
Aicha: I don't know Jacob

Jacob: Come On Aicha we can't just not get her a baby sitter There's things we gotta do.
Aicha: It has to be a woman
Jacob: Of course I'm not leaving my daughter with no man
Aicha: Oh! We can ask Shella! We can fly her down here I'm sure she'll be happy to do it
Jacob: I don't know
Aicha: She's perfect Jacob! She took care of us just fine I'll call her right now
Jacob: Have you been talking to her?
Aicha: Yes Of course she's like a second mom to me
Jacob: Alright if you say so

Aicha takes her phone and call Shella

Phone Convo
Shella: Hello
Aicha: Shella!
Shella: Aicha! Hey!
Aicha: Shella I need you to come to Atlanta
Shella: Is everything ok
Aicha: Everything is perfect I just need you to baby sit Royalty
Shella: Of course I would love too I'll be down there tomorrow night
Aicha: Perfect Thank you so much
Shella: No problem
End of Phone Convo

Aicha: She's coming tomorrow night
She said smiling
Jacob: Great
Aicha: I can't wait I never been camping before
She said smiling
Jacob: It's gonna be so much fun especially in our tent
He said kissing her and she smiles

Jacob: It's time for a bath RoRo
He said taking her to the bathroom

Later That Night

Jacob: She's finally sleeping
He said walking in the room
Jacob: She hates sleeping in the room by herself but I gotta get some alone time with mommy
He said kissing her lips getting on the bed and she smiles

Jacob: 6 Weeks is up
He said getting on top of her opening her legs wide kissing her neck softly taking off her bra

20 Mins Later
Aicha: Ahhh!!!
He was going in and out between her legs really fast
Aicha: Ahhh shit baby!!!
She moans and she kiss him softly

30 Mins Later
Jacob was smacking her ass going in and out
Aicha: Agh!
She moans throwing her head down in pleasure
Aicha: Ahh Damn!

She moans as he goes faster and faster

2 Hours Later
She bends down and kiss him softly after riding him when they hear RoRo crying
Jacob: Damn

She laughs getting off of him putting on her silky robe leaving the room going to Royaltys room picking her up from her crib calming her down putting her back to sleep

Next Day
Someone knocks on the door
Aicha: Coming!
She said running to the door opening it seeing Shella, Aicha screams and hugs her tightly
Aicha: Hi Shella!
Shella: Hi sweetheart, oh my goodness look at you! Your so beautiful

She said walking in the apartment
Aicha: Thank you come
They walk in the living room
Shella: This is a beautiful place
Aicha: Thank you
Shella: When did you and Jacob happen?
Aicha: Months ago, we got married
She said showing her the ring
Shella: That's amazing Aicha
Aicha: Then I got pregnant and now we have a baby girl I'll go get her

She said going upstairs getting Royalty bringing her back down

Shella: Oh my goodness! She's so beautiful!
Aicha gives Royalty to Shella
Shella: Oh she's gorgeous!
Aicha smiles
Aicha: Jacob should be back in a few

With Jacob
Skylar: I didn't know you were a family man
Jacob: Yeah I am
He said smiling
Jacob: I wanted her since we were 5 years old so when I had the chance I married her
Skylar: That's beautiful I wish there were many guys like you
Jacob: I'm sure there's someone out there for you just gotta find him
Skylar: I will hopefully
She said smiling at him

At Home
Jacob walks in the house seeing Aicha watching Tv by herself eating popcorn
Jacob: What you doing?
He said sitting on the couch next to her
Aicha: Just relaxing, you missed Shella she was here earlier
Jacob: I'll see her tomorrow then, we gotta start packing for the camping trip
He said getting up walking upstairs
Aicha: Are you hungry?!
Jacob: No I'm good!

Next Day
At Camping Site

Chris: This is nice
Ray: Do we have to build these tents?
Roc: No they come built already
Ray: Ight Cool

They set up all the tents and set up their camping sight with chairs

Mike: Let's go hiking and fishing

1 Hour Later

Aicha was by herself most of time while everyone else was enjoying themselves fishing, Jacob was with Skylar majority of the time talking and laughing Aicha looks over at them and moves closer to Jacob he looks at her and she smiles at him and he smiles back

Jacob: You ok?
Aicha: Yeah I'm fine
Jacob: Your kind of quite today
Aicha: I'm just taking in the sun
She said smiling
Jacob: I miss RoRo
Aicha: Me too
Skylar: Jacob come look I caught a fish!
Jacob: Oh shit!
He said walking over to her helping her bringing the fish up Aicha looks at them and sighs

Later That Night

Everyone was by the camp fire talking and laughing making s'mores, Jacob was sitting next to Skylar talking and laughing with her Aicha looks at them seeing her flirting with Jacob smiling touching his hair whispering in his ear that's when anger fills Aicha's body.

Aicha: Jacob!
She yells he looks at her
Aicha: Come here!
He gets up walking over to her
Jacob: What happened?
Aicha: Sit down
She said pulling him down on the seat next to her
Jacob: What's the problem?
Aicha: She's getting to close
Jacob: No she's not
Aicha: Yes she is I see her!
Skylar: Is there a problem?!
Aicha looks at her
Aicha: Excuse me
Skylar: I'm asking you if there's a problem I hear you talking about me!
Aicha: Yes the fact that your getting way to close to my husband!

Skylar: Well your husband is a grown man he can stop me anytime he feels like I'm getting to close

Chris: What the hell is going on?
Aicha: ... Don't play with me, I will murder you burn your body and throw you in the river, you don't want to test my crazy
The boys eyes widened
Skylar: Are you threatening me?!
Aicha: It's a promise for the next time you touch him
Skylar: You don't want to go there with me Aicha
Aicha: Beyoncé to you sweetheart
Jacob: Alright chill
He said looking at Aicha
Jacob: Relax
Aicha looks at him and rolls her eyes getting up walking away

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