Trying To Be Accepted

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Later That Night
After Church

Aicha: Shella can we go shopping tomorrow after school?
Shella: Yeah What do you need?
Aicha: I need new clothes shoes and makeup
Shella: Makeup?
Aicha: Yeah
Shella: You look pretty without it
Aicha: I know but the girls at my new school look so pretty I can jus get like lip gloss and stuff
Shella: Ok
Aicha: Thank you
Aicha goes upstairs to Jacobs room seeing him putting on his shirt
Aicha: Your leaving?
Jacob: Yeah
Aicha: It's 8:00
Jacob: I know I have to go make money for us
Aicha sits on the bed
Aicha: Are you gonna do the talent fest thing?
Jacob: Maybe you should do it though
Aicha: I don't know maybe. You made new friends today?
Jacob: Yeah, you?
He asked as he puts on his sneakers
Aicha: The only friend I have is you
He laughs looking at her
Jacob: All we need is each other no one else
He said putting on his chain fixing his hair in the mirror

Aicha: Your so handsome Jacob so many girls love you all I heard today was "he's so cute, he's so sexy"

He laughs

Jacob: I have to go
Aicha: Can I sleep in here tonight?
Jacob: You can sleep in here whenever you want you don't have to ask
She gets under the covers laying down
Jacob: I'll be back in a few hours
He said kissing the side of her lips leaving the room locking it behind him.

Jacob opens his room door seeing Aicha sleeping he takes off his clothes taking a quick shower putting on his clothes he gets into bed putting the cover over him, Aicha turns over to him opening her eyes slowly.

Jacob: Did I wake you? I'm sorry
Aicha: No, I just had a bad dream
She said in a low tone
Jacob: About What?
Aicha: Every bad thing thing that's ever happened to me

He holds her hand inter whining their fingers together

Aicha: ... I hate being in this house whenever he's here, I hate being in my room I hate sleeping on that bed and I hate seeing his face. I get so scared every time I'm not with you, and I know there's gonna come a time when we're gonna be apart and you won't be able to protect me anymore

Jacob: I'm always gonna protect you Aicha
Aicha: Your gonna get married and have kids and I'm just gonna be there in your shadow

Jacob: Your gonna get married and have kids too
Aicha: I doubt it every guy that comes my way only wants one thing
Jacob: Not every guy
He said kissing her hand
Aicha: Besides you
Jacob: You'll find somebody we both will

Next Day
At Gym

Jacob was playing basketball while Aicha was sitting down looking around when a boy comes up to her.

???: Hi, what's your name?
She looks at him
Aicha: My name is Beyonce But you can call me Aicha
???: I'm Tray nice to meet you
He said smiling
Aicha: Nice to meet you to
She said smiling
Tray: How you like it here so far?
Aicha: It's ok I guess I haven't really made any friends but it's only my second day
Tray: You'll make friends you just made one right now
She smiles at him

With Jacob
Jacob looks over at Aicha seeing her talking to Tray smiling and he walks up to them.

Jacob: You ok Aicha?
She looks at him
Aicha: Yeah
Jacob: Alright
He walks away

Tray: Is he like your boyfriend or something?
Aicha: No were just really close we've known each since we were 5
Tray: So I guess he wouldn't mind if I take you out tomorrow after school?
She smiles
Aicha: No he wouldn't
Tray: Alright well I'll give you my number
Aicha: Ok
He gives her his number
Tray: I'll talk to you tomorrow
Aicha: Bye

He walks away

After Gym
Aicha: Jacob!
He walks towards her
Jacob: What happened?
He asked as they walk out the gym
Aicha: The boy I was talking to asked me out on a date tomorrow after school
He looks at her

Jacob: Seriously?
Aicha: Yeah he's cute and he's nice
Jacob: You don't even know him Aicha
Aicha: That's what dates are for to get to know each other
Jacob: If that's what makes you happy

At Lunch
Aicha walks in the lunch room seeing everyone talking and eating with their group she looks over at Jacobs table which was filled with people, she walks up to his table and he looks at her

Jacob: Hey
She smiles at him
Aicha: Hey looks like there's no space for me
Jacob: No here
He gets up giving her the seat she sits down and Indya looks at her
Indya: Damn girl you glowed up huh?
She said looking at Aicha
Aicha: ... I guess
She said smiling
Indya: You still look dirty
The people at the table laugh
Jacob: Indya!
Indya: I'm joking
She said laughing
Jacob: It's not funny!

Aicha gets up about to walk away
Jacob: Aicha don't leave
He said grabbing her hand
Aicha: No I wanna go

She said pulling her hand back walking out the lunch room as tears fall down her face. She walks in the halls crying wiping her tears when Jacob comes out

Jacob: Aicha!
He said running after grabbing her hand
Jacob: Aicha, don't mind her she's just being stupid
Aicha: I don't know why she don't like me
She said crying
Jacob: That's how she is don't waste your tears on her

He said wiping her tears
Aicha: I just want to be accepted and fit in with everyone
Jacob: People like me and you aren't supposed to fit in
Aicha: Do we have to go to class? I wanna go home already
Jacob: Yes we do we have next period together
He said taking her hands walking to their next class

In Class
Teacher: You guys are early
Jacob: Yeah
They sit down in the back Aicha turns around facing him who was behind her
Jacob: You going with Shella straight after school?
Aicha: Yeah she gonna come pick me up
Jacob: Then Imma go out with the boys then
Aicha: Ok
Jacob: You gonna get your hair done?
He asked touching her long hair
Aicha: Should I? Does it look bad?
Jacob: No your hair is beautiful I was just asking
Aicha: I might I don't know are you still gonna cut yours?
Jacob: Yeah I might wait till my birthday though. I think Imma get a new phone.

He said said holding her hand inter whining their fingers together

Aicha: What wrong with the one you have?
Jacob: Nothing I just want a new phone
He said smiling at her and she laughs

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