Broken Part 2

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Jacob: Get the fuck off of her!!!
He said pushing Gibson, Gibson punched Jacob in his face throwing him out the room locking the door. Jacob bangs on the door crying.

Jacob: Aicha!!!!
He screams outside the room

With Aicha
Aicha: Jacob!!!!
Gibson punches her again pulling down her panties opening her legs wide
Aicha: No please!!!!
She screams crying
Aicha: Jacob help me please!!!!
Jacob continues banging on the door trying to break it down crying at the same time.
Gibson: Pussy look so good

He said before shoving himself inside her she screams crying from the top of her lungs in pain as he goes in and out of her
Aicha: Jacob!!!
She screams crying in pain

With Jacob
Jacob slides down the wall crying helpless, he covers his ears hearing Gibson grunting and Aicha crying in pain

5 Mins Later
Gibson opens the door fixing his pants
Gibson: She's all yours now lil nigga
He said walking away Jacob gets up crying walking in the room seeing Aicha laying there shaking and crying as blood drips down her legs. Jacob kneels down next to her grabbing her hands crying

Jacob: I'm so sorry I'm so sorry
He said crying, after awhile he helps her up slowly taking her to the bathroom as blood continues to drip on her legs. He turns on the bath water helping her in the tub.

3 Hours Later
After Jacob cleans her room and helps her change her clothes he takes her his room to sleep, she was laying in his bed with her eyes closed shaking as he puts the covers over her. He lays down next to her and looks at her seeing bruises on her face arms and wrist.

Jacob: It's gonna be ok Aicha I promise
He said holding her hand
Jacob: No one will ever touch you ever again and I mean it this time

2 Days Later
Aicha hasn't left Jacobs room ever since she got raped she also hasn't spoke to anyone she lays on his bed day to night. Jacob helps her into the bathroom to shower and brush her teeth. He was trying to get her to eat something but she wouldn't eat anything.

Jacob walks into the room with a bag of food and ice cream closing the door

Jacob: Aicha I brung you some food and ice cream
He said sitting next to her
Jacob: I know you love ice cream Aicha come on
She shakes her head no turning away from him
Jacob: You have to eat something
Aicha: ...
Jacob: Come On Aicha Sit Up
He said helping her up, she leans on the head board

Jacob: You know I got you, you can stay in my room for as long as you want but I need you to try to eat for me please

Aicha: ...
She nods Jacob opens the food giving it to her
Jacob: It's gonna be ok I promise
He said kissing her forehead

2 Years Later
Aicha was now 17 years old Jacob was also 17 turning 18 in a few months. They both was really close to each other especially with what happened to Aicha two years ago. He was very handsome with his big Afro curls his voice got deeper and his dancing was so good that he was transferring to a school for dance and singing so was Aicha who could sing really well. Everyone loves Jacob he was very popular on the streets of LA and so were the other boys, girls loved Jacob and wanted to be with him really bad. Aicha was the prettiest girl in LA she had very nice curves nice boobs and a big round butt. Guys would talk to Aicha to only have sex with her girls on the other hand didn't like her and would give her a hard time at school. Ever since she got raped she keeps herself really busy to forget what happened to her and tries not to remember but sometimes she breaks down crying. Jacob was extremely protective of her and his anger got really worse he's been to juvie a couple of times and been arrested many times too.

Jacob walks into Aicha's room seeing her writing in her sing book and he sits down on her desk chair

Jacob: You writing a new song?
Aicha: Yeah, I'm kind of nervous we're starting our new school tomorrow
Jacob: Your gonna be great there's nothing to be worried about
Aicha: That's easy for you to say everyone loves you especially the girls
He laughs
Jacob: I told you it doesn't matter what people think about you. You just continue to be great

She smiles
Aicha: Are you gonna come to my church practice tomorrow?
Jacob: Yeah
Aicha: Ok
She said getting up going to her closet looking for clothes to wear
Aicha: What should I wear?
Jacob: You can wear anything and you'll still be beautiful

He said walking up to her and she smiles at him

Aicha: Alright then I'll wear this
She said picking out a pair of jeans and a white shirt
Jacob: Great!
He said kissing the side of her lips leaving the room

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