Never There

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Later That Day
With Jacob
At Chris House

Jacob: I don't understand why you was still with this nigga after everything he's done to you
Indya: I didn't have anyone else Jacob! You guys seem to hate me and he was just there

Jacob: We didn't hate you you just created a lot of problems within the group. We always take care of you Indya no matter how hard headed you were we always have your back

Indya: I'm guessing your still with Aicha
She said putting the ice pack on her face
Jacob: Were married Indya and we have a child together
Indya: Why her Jacob?
Jacob: ... She's been the one since I first met her
Indya: ... Why not me?
Jacob: Indya, come on now. You know your one of my closets friends I would never go there with you
Indya: I guess, can I met your daughter?
Jacob: Yes you can I'll text Aicha right now
He said taking out his phone

Jacob: But you have to be nice She's Aicha's baby too if Aicha feels like you're threatening her she's not gonna let you be around Royalty.

Indya: I will, is that her name Royalty?
Jacob: Yeah
Indya: That's really nice
She said smiling
Jacob: Thank you
That's when Chris and Roc comes in the room
Roc: What's up, what y'all talking about?
Indya: His baby
Chris: Oh RoRo
Jacob: Yeah
Roc: We need to ask you some questions it's gonna feel like we interrogating you but we gotta know

Indya: What?
Roc: Clarence is in a gang right? MMG?
Indya: Yes
Chris: What niggas be around him?
Indya: Ar'mon, Chris Sails and Trey, those are his mains
Jacob: Let's take one of his mains down first
Roc: Which one?
Jacob: I don't know which should we take down?
He asked looking at Indya
Indya: Ar'mon
Jacob: Alright so he goes first

3 Hours Later
Everyone was in the living room chilling playing video games when they hear a knock on the door Roc opens it seeing Aicha holding Royalty
Aicha: Hey
She said smiling
Roc: Hi

He said taking Royalty from her kissing her cheek they walk in going to the living room she greets everyone smiling down

Roc: Oh shit got her ears pierced?!
Aicha: Yeah
Jacob: Lemme see
He said getting up looking at Royaltys ears
Jacob: It looks nice she was crying?
Aicha: Yeah after the first one she was over it
Jacob: I wish I was there

He said kissing Royaltys Cheeks taking her from Roc walking up to Aicha
Jacob: You should take her to see RoRo
Aicha: Why me?
Jacob: Come On Aicha please maybe guys should talk
Aicha: .... Ok
She said taking RoRo
Jacob: She's in the guest room
Aicha walks upstairs to the guest room knocking on the door
Indya: Come in!
Aicha walks in
Aicha: ... Hey
Indya: ... Hi
Aicha sits on the bed smiling
Aicha: This is Royalty
She said giving her to Indya and she smiles
Indya: She's so pretty, how old is she?
Aicha: She's 4 months old
Indya: She has so much hair already and it's so soft
Aicha: She gets it from Jacob
She said smiling
Indya: She's so beautiful
Aicha: Thank you

Aicha looks at her as she plays with Royalty
Aicha: ... Did he do that to you?
Indya looks at her
Aicha: Clarence, he did this to you?
Indya: ... Yeah unfortunately

Aicha: If I was You I would've taken a skillet hit him in head really hard and tell him to go straight to Hell

Indya: ... I wish I would've thought of that at the time

Aicha: I know we haven't been the best of friends but I don't wish bad on you.

Indya: ... I've been angry all my life, my parents walked out on me at a young age and stated that I didn't know how to be happy it seemed like me hurting others made them feel what I felt and that's what u was trying to do to you.

She said with tears in her eyes

Indya: ... I was jealous of how happy you was after everything that's happened to you and I always wondered how does she do it

Aicha: Forgiveness, I always forgive those who hurt me it sets me free from all anger. Having that built up anger gives the other person power over you and I refuse to let anyone have any power over me. I know the boys are plotting against Clarence but what's that gonna go other than create more problems. Tell them to let it go tell them not to go after him

Indya: I don't think I can do that-

Aicha: Forgive him Indya, forgive Clarence it's ok your not around him anymore and he won't come around you ever again. Let the anger go it's not going to solve anything but make things worse.

Indya: ...
Aicha: It takes time so take all the time you need don't make a temporary problem worth a lifetime consequence

She said taking Royalty
Aicha: I know Jacob cares about you a lot I'm not gonna come between you guys hopefully it's the same for me
Indya: I won't, I would never break up a happy family
Aicha smiles
Aicha: Ok

With Jacob
Ray: Why you'd let 2 girls that hate each other have a conversation?! Alone?!
Jacob: I haven't heard them yelling so I'm guessing everything is good
Aicha comes downstairs smiling
Jacob: See everything went great right?
Aicha: Yeah
Chris: Are you sure?
Aicha: Yes she'll be fine once the bruises heal and she'll get back to normal
Jacob: See what god does when he brings people together

Royalty starts whining crying

EJ: Seems Like today isn't Roro's day
Aicha: She's been like this ever since she got her ears pierced
Jacob: We should go home and put her to sleep
Aicha: Yeah

At Home
Aicha takes RoRo a bath and change her diaper RoRo was laying on their bed while Aicha was rubbing her back putting her to sleep Jacob walks in on his phone and sits on the bed

Jacob: You wanna go out to eat?
Aicha: No
Jacob: Well I'm bout to go out with the boys
Aicha: Jacob?!
Jacob: What?! You just said you didn't want to go!
Aicha: Your never here anymore! Your always going out!
Jacob: That's a lie Aicha I'm always here you just want me here 24/7
Aicha: You always leave me here alone to take care of RoRo what if I wanna go out
Jacob: Go Out Where?! With who?! You don't got no friends!
Aicha: Alright Jacob just go I'm not gonna argue with you
She said laying down putting the covers over her and RoRo and he sighs

Jacob: So you gonna make me feel bad
Aicha: I just said you can go!
Jacob: Every guy knows that's code for stay
Aicha: Then stay
Jacob: Can you at least make me something to eat cause I'm hungry
He said sitting on the bed next to her
Aicha: No move

He gets on top of her tickling her she laughs
Aicha: Stop! Your gonna wake her up!
Jacob: Then make me something to eat come
He said getting off of her pulling her out the bed

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