Happy In Love Part 2

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Jacob: Well I have to go I'll see you guys later
He said kissing Aicha
Aicha: Bye
He leaves the house
Tina: He's so handsome Aicha your so luck and he's very lucky to have you
Aicha smiles
Aicha: Yeah he's really sweet
Royalty: Mama!
Aicha smiles
Tina: Even when she talks it's so cute you said she's 5 Months?
Aicha: Yeah
Tina: She has so much hair for 5 months
She said touching her hair
Aicha: I know

With Jacob
Chris: What's up nigga your late!
Jacob: I know Aicha's mother came over
Ray: Wait What?
Jacob: Aicha's mom came over she called her last night and I guess their fixing their relationship I don't know
Roc: Well that's good right?
Jacob: I guess as long she doesn't go back to her old ways I'm good
EJ: How she look?
Jacob: She looks good Aicha kind of looks like her
Chris: If Aicha look like that her mother probably bad as hell!
They laugh

Later That Day
Aicha and Tina were out shopping with Royalty having a good day they were at a restaurant having lunch

Tina: Did Jacob reconnect with his mother?
Aicha: No he doesn't want too
Tina: Why not?
Aicha: He doesn't really like his mother he practically hates her
Tina: Why What she do?
Aicha: She was abusive, don't tell him I told you he gets really upset when I bring up his mother
Tina: No of course not, are you guys good though?

Aicha: Yeah we're fine we have our moments but who doesn't. He has a little problem with his anger but he's been like that since he was young.

Tina: He's a bad boy?
Aicha: Definitely
She said smiling
Aicha: He's really sweet though and really nice
Tina: That's all that matters
Aicha smiles

Tina: I was thinking, I know your life is here in Atlanta but I only came down here to see you I live back in Houston

Aicha: Really?
Tina: Yeah I was wondering maybe you guys can move up there so I can be closer to you guys
Aicha: ... I don't know, Jacob was talking about moving back to LA. I'll talk to him about it and see what he says
Tina: Ok

Later That Day
At Home

Jacob walks out the bathroom after taking a shower shirtless wearing shorts laying on the bed
Jacob: Feel so good to be laying in bed
Aicha: Can I talk to you about something?
Jacob: What is it?
Aicha: What do you think about moving to Houston?
He looks at her
Jacob: ... You already know what imma say to that right
She sucks her teeth

Jacob: Since when you wanna Move to Houston we just talked about moving to LA, it's your mother that's putting this idea in your head right?!

Aicha: It's a great place to raise RoRo
Jacob: Bullshit cause we can raise RoRo anywhere and she'll turn out fine
Aicha: Why I always have to do what you say?
Jacob: You don't If you want to go to Houston you can go me and RoRo going to LA
Aicha: Agh! I hate you!

She said getting up leaving the room going downstairs to the living room laying down Jacob sighs going downstairs seeing her laying down

Jacob: So you not gonna sleep in the room cause we not moving to Houston? That's very childish

Aicha: My mom lives all the way in Houston and we moving all the way to LA how is that going to work?
Jacob: Tell her to move to LA or you can go visit her whenever you want
Aicha: Ok
He kiss her
Jacob: I'm starving
Aicha: Order food
Jacob: I'm bout to order so much food I didn't eat since breakfast
He said taking out his phone

Few Days Later
Jacob: I found a pent house apartment in LA
Aicha: A pent house?
Jacob: Yeah it's like a house but it's an apartment it really big
He said showing her pictures
Aicha: That looks really nice and the kitchen is huge!
Jacob: I know right, should we get it?
Aicha: Yeah how many bed rooms?
Jacob: Five
Aicha: That's Perfect I love it
Jacob: We gonna go see the house
Aicha: You should go see it I'll stay here and start packing
Jacob: You sure?
Aicha: Yeah go with the boys and the boys only Jacob
Jacob: Ok
He said smiling
Jacob: You think imma gonna do something if the girls go
Aicha: I think Skylar gonna be slick and try something yeah
Jacob: They might wanna tag along
Aicha: Why are they everywhere ya go?
Jacob: I don't know to be honest
Aicha: They are so annoying
Jacob: You want me to take RoRo to LA
Aicha: Absolutely not
Jacob: Why not?

Aicha: Cause I know when ya go up there your going to be partying and you let her crawl anywhere she wants so no.

Jacob: She gonna be fine
Aicha: No your not staying there for a week you'll see her when you get back
Jacob: Ok
He kiss her

2 Days Later
Aicha: You got everything?
Jacob: Yeah
He said closing his suit case
Aicha: Please don't get into no trouble I'm begging you
Jacob: I'm not! I promise I haven't fought anyone in months almost a year
Aicha: I know I just letting you know
Jacob: I got you

They go to the living room seeing RoRo sitting down on the couch playing with her toys Jacob walks up to her picking her up kissing her cheek continuously

Jacob: Imma miss you so much baby!
Royalty: Dada!
She said smiling
Aicha: Awww She's so cute
He puts her down
Jacob: Imma miss you to come here

He said hugging Aicha tightly kissing her face and she laughs
Aicha: Alright go before you kiss your flight
Jacob: I'll call you tonight
Aicha: Ok
He kiss her leaving
Aicha: It's Just us RoRo
She said sitting on the couch next to her

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