Chapter 7: Master Vile's first appearance and second fight

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A few months have passed since Naruto and his friends have returned to the village. And Taylor and Thomas are enjoying their new life in the village. Right now, they're eating at Ichiraku Ramen. The owners, Ayame and Teuchi were delighted to have Naruto back. Naruto is happy to see them too. After that, they leave the restaurant and walk down the street. 

Naruto: I guess Dimitria was right, you guys. Forgiving others will ease my heart.

Hinata: (Smiles) I'm happy for you, Naruto-Kun. 

Taylor: We all are. I just can't believe Tsunade adopted me and Thomas. 

Sakura: She said she always wanted kids. 

Naruto: Yep. So, what shall we do now? 

Before anyone could say anything, the clouds begin to darken. They all look up. Thunder strikes the land. And then, a face appears in the clouds. The rangers recognizes him. It's Master Vile. 

Master Vile: (Laughs evilly) I have returned! Now this world will be mine! All of you will bow to me! 

Everyone in the village all scream and run. Minato, Kushina, Tsunade and Jiraiya come out and they look at the sky. 

Minato: Who are you?!

Master Vile: I am Master Vile, ruler of all evil. Your land will be mine now, Minato Namikaze. And you can't stop me. No one can.

Just then, Naruto and his friend step into his view. 

Naruto: Hey, you! 

Master Vile looks at them as they all glare at him. 

Naruto: If you want to take over our land, you have to go through us to do it! 

Master Vile: Oh, yeah? And how are you brats gonna stop me?

Naruto smirks, along with his friends. They all nod at each other and they take out their morphers. 

All: Super Mega Mode! 

They all morph into the Power Rangers. Master Vile is surprised and shocked. 

Master Vile: What?! Power Rangers?!

Naruto: That's right! As last as we're here, you won't take over the lands!

Master Vile: Grr! We'll see about that, rangers! 

Master Vile disappears. And then, a card is shooting down on the ground. Everyone looks at it. Then, the card glows. And a monster appears. Everyone gasps. 

Sasuke: No way! It's Peckster! 

Sakura: So he does have the spirits of the fallen monsters in the cards. 

Taylor: So what? That doesn't mean he can beat us. Let's show him who's boss!

All: Right!

They all charge in on Peckster. 

Peckster: Have no fear, the Peckster is here!

He also charges in. They all fight. Everyone watches. Minato and Kushina watch proudly as they see their son fighting to protect. Sasuke's parents watch too and they have smiles on their faces, along with Sakura and Hinata's families. Peckster then slams his arms at them and they all go down. Then he opens his beak and shoots out red spikes. They hit the rangers. They all yell in pain and they fly in the air. They hit the ground. Peckster laughs evilly. They all groan in pain as they all slowly get back up. 

Thomas: (Groaning) Dang. Didn't expect that.

Taylor: So what? That won't keep us down. 

Naruto: Yeah! It will take a lot more than that to defeat us, Peckster! 

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