Chapter 11: Secret origins part 3

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The heroes continue watching the dark clouds from the mountains as thunder and lightning continues erupting.

Hawkgirl: What are they doing? 

J'ohn: The invaders are nocturnal. They want to blot out the sun so they can live in perpetual darkness. 

Flash: Friends of yours?

Batman: It's no joke. 

Flash: (Runs to J'ohn and stands by him) What's the big problem? Can't you just whip up another batch of that nerve gas?

Thomas: He's right. You did it before, you can do it again. 

J'ohn: Unfortunately, no. The gas can only be made from a rare martian plant. I brought a sample with me, but it was destroyed when I was captured. 

Thomas: Aw, nuts.

Flash: Uh, what's plan "B"? 

Diana: We'll have to take out those factories. 

Sakura: Diana's right. We'll destroy them and the invaders at one time.

Diana: And after that, we'll handle Master Vile.

Green Lantern: Lady, this is no job for amateurs. 

Diana: (Glares at him) We amazons are warriors born. Want to test me?

They both glare at each other. Superman and Naruto stop them though. 

Naruto: You two, stop! Save the fighting for the invaders!

Superman: He's right. Let's not fight among ourselves. John, we're gonna to need all the help we can get. 

Naruto: Yeah. We can all beat them if we all work together as a team. 

John: Fine. Sorry...your highness. Tactically, we'll have multiple objectives, so we'll need to split into teams. 

Flash: (Puts his arm around Diana) Dibs on the Amazon. 

Diana looks at him with a weird look. The rangers just shake their heads. Flying and running on the ocean is Flash, John, Taylor and Thomas. They both morph into the Lost Galaxy Rangers and use their Jet Jammers to fly over the ocean. 

Flash: You three are no fun. 

John: This isn't supposed to be fun. We've got a job to do, and we will do it better without distractions. Understood?

Flash: Yeah, yeah. I hear you. 

Taylor: Good. 

They continue flying and running on the ocean. They make it to a jungle and they see a factory being guarded by three walkers. 

John: That's our target. Now, listen up. Here's the plan. 

Flash: What plan? We kick their butts, right? Let's get this over with. 

Before he could stop him, he runs down. John just sighs and Taylor and Thomas just shake their heads. 

Thomas: He never listens, does he?

John: No.

They all watch him as he runs to a walker. He stops by it and tries to get its attention.

Flash: (Whistles) Hey! Over here!

The walker turns and sees him. It fires its laser at him. He smirks and moves out of the way.

Flash: Ha! Missed me! 

It fires at him again to try and hit him. He runs at full speed. The other walkers  join in the blasting. He dodges them all as he runs by the factory. He continues running until he steps on a rock, which explodes and sends him up in the air. He comes back down and he lands in a sticky mud pile.

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