Chapter 9: Secret Origins

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In a mountain valley, the rangers just arrive in the world. They all look around. 

Naruto: Where are we? 

Sasuke: I don't know. 

Taylor: I don't recognize this place, so we're in another world. 

Thomas: Let's look around for clues. 

As they walk, Naruto's head begins to hurt. He yells in pain as he clutches his head. Everyone looks at him and runs to him. 

Hinata: Naruto-Kun?! Naruto-Kun, what's the matter?!

Naruto: (Gasping) My's hurting...

Then, he hears a voice in his mind. 

Voice: Help me...

Naruto's eyes widen as the pain stops. He stands up. 

Taylor: Naruto?

Sakura: You okay?

Naruto: Yeah. Someone was speaking to me in my mind. 

Naruto feels the voice's presence in the north. 

Naruto: Come on, if someone's in trouble, we have to help them. 

Sasuke: He's right. Let's go then.

They walk to the direction. As they do, they all hear something. They look up and see a meteor coming down from the sky. It flies over the mountain and heads elsewhere. 

Thomas: Did you all see that? 

Taylor: Yeah, we did. 

Sakura: We'd better go see where it landed. 

Naruto nods. They all teleport to where the meteor landed. They land in a big city. They're in a park. They look around and they see the trail the meteor made as it crashed. They see it at the edge of the park. They run to it. As they do, they hear sirens and they see fire trucks arriving at the scene. People look at the flaming object. Police forces arrive too, with the news. Naruto looks up and sees helicopters coming in. The firefighters hose the fire with water. After a few moments of hosing it, the fire is put out. Steam is coming out of the meteor. Everyone looks at it. 

Police officer: Look at the size of that thing!

Police officer 2: Stay back. It's still hot. 

As they all look at it, steam shoots out of it. They all gasp.

Police officer: What was that?

Rumbling comes from the meteor. Then suddenly, a white claw shoots out of it. It's about to land on the two officers, but then, a man wearing cape suit with an S on the middle flies in and grabs them, saving them. As he flies, another white claw shoots out of the meteor. The man puts down the officers. He looks at the claws with the people all shocked. Another claw shoots out and then, coming out of the meteor is a tall tripod walker. It's almost white all over, but it has red spots and a black spot in the middle of its head. 

Newsman: Incredible! Is it some kind of machine?

Then, the black spot shrinks down into a small spot and begins to glow red. Then, it fires laser. The laser hits a police car, destroying it and sending it in the air. Everyone moves out of the way as it comes down. Then, the flying man flies in to stop the walker. But as he gets close, the walker fires its laser at him, blasting him back as he cries in pain. He's sent flying and crashing onto a building. He bounces off and lands in the street. The rangers watch this and they needed to do something. They look and see the walker moving forward. It steps on fire truck. The police and SCU officers open fire at the walker, but the bullets bounce harmlessly off it. Its armor is too strong. It fires it laser at a fire truck, destroying it. Everyone runs. As it does, Master Vile appears on the meteor. He laughs evilly. 

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