Chapter 12: Loca....Crazy, yes I am.

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Quick Note..

          I'm trying out different  point of views of on my characters see if I like them but still Alexis is the main point of view I be doing.


  Lyran Point of View.

             Alexis grips onto my shirt as she burst out in a fit of tears,'' I want to leave.''

I sighed,'' Come on,''  I lift her up in my arms carrying her out Aidan room and along the empty halls of the castle. I past by a maid,'' Excuse me can  you send a cold bowel of water and some bandages,'' I ask polity.

     The maid smiles,'' Yes, Prince Lyran,'' she hurries to the maid chambers I believe.

  Alexis let out a small laugh,'' She called you a prince.''

A small smile form on my lips,'' Royalty runs in my blood,'' I tell her moving swiftly down the halls stopping by my room  before opening my door and flipping on the lights.

          Alexis grumbles from the lights as I lead away from my  my living room into my bedroom lowering her onto my bed.

          '' Thank you,'' she whispers her breath taken blue eyed gaze on me.

 I sit on the edge of the bed grabbing her hand,'' Don't be I'm not perfect.''

 She rests her head on the dark brown pillows smiling at me but her frown turn into a grim, she had a busted lip, I just realized from that bastard Aidan,'' I-I'm not perfect either,''she states.

        I chuckle,'' Your close to it,''  I say planting my lips against her wrist feeling her pulse.

I heard knocking at the bedroom door cause me to pull away from Alexis and see the maid from earlier pulling in a small rolling cart holding what I ask for with a bowel of fruit.

          '' Thank you,'' I tell her with smile as she pulls the cart towards the bed before bowing and rushing out the room.

         '' She was sweet,'' Alexis mumbles closing her eyes.

'' Let me clean you off,'' I say gently grabbing the rag soak in the cold water as I drain it off  in the bowel before I brush the wash cloth against her lip.

  Her eyes flutter open a little as she stares at me wiping the blood on her face.

              I move onto the bandage wrap that I applied onto her bruise left wrist where was Aidan hand prints was visible on her skin.

     I groan,'' I'm sorry this happen to you,'' I say softly feeling  her heartbeat pick up.

   '' Well......can you pass me some of that fruit,'' jokes Alexis pointing at the bowel of fruit smiling.     I hand her the bowel,''Enjoy.''

   She giggles before munching on a handful of  grapes,'' So good.''

 I swiftly leans over Alexis body causing her to back away from me,'' What are you doing,'' she ask uneasily as I grab the bowel of fruit and sat it to the side.

     I move toward her until my lips was press to her ear,'' I just wanted an apple,'' I whispers grabbing the fruit from the bowel and pulled away from me.

       Alexis face was blushed as she licks her bottom griming when it touch the bruise corner on her lip,'' OH!''

     '' Go to sleep,'' I say getting off the bed moving toward the door.

My Guilty Pleasure of Love(Completed, Editing)Where stories live. Discover now