Chapter 16: Losing myself into you.

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Not Edited.

Alexis. Point of View.

I felt different as if something powerful was taking advantage of me and makes me feel weightless,everything looks so much brighter. I could hear things farther and I have the most strangest need to be by Lyran. My heart beat was faint as if it wasn't there and the nurses had me pin to this thin bed by chains. A growl escapes my lips as a nurse walks up to me and plug a needle into my thigh,"Where is Lyran?"

" Aren't you worried about Prince Aidan," the nurse ask, taking the needle out my skin showing me that it was filled with dark blood with streaks of purple. I frown,'' I don't care about Aidan...wait what is wrong with him,'' I question.

The nurse take the veil of blood and tape a written piece of paper on it before shaking it up a little bit,''He is in a somewhat not life threatening coma so he should be walking up, we are quite unaware what happen since he change you into a vampire, so it be most likely for him to train you.''

I tug on the chains again,'' Let me go, I'm fine,'' I coach out.

'' No,No,No, we got to keep you chained up or you will go in blood-lust over drawn,'' the nurse replies before she walks off, leaving me.

A groan escapes my throat as I collapse back on the bed before I look around the plain room and I begin to scream of boredom.

'' You have really lose your damn mind,'' says that girlie voice I knew so well,Seven. I turn my head toward the entrance to see her standing there dress in a teal lace v-neck dress and high heels. When she walks, her heels clink on the tile floor,'' I came to ask you a question.''

I hiss at her,'' Leave me alone,'' I bare out my teeth, feeling my heart pound fast with an adrenaline rush.

'' Did my brother really turn you,'' Seven ask, studying me with her intense purple eyes.

I kick out my legs but they was also chain up so I buck upward and scream loudly feeling my spine snap and blood rush to my head causing me to feel dizzy as my jaw start to tingle,'' I'm not a vampire,'' I hiss, tighten my grip on the chains harder, causing the wall behind me to dent since the chains was nailed to the wall.

'' Why little witchy got a back bone now, I'm amuse,'' she flaunts while clapping her hands, '' Back to my question! Why did my brother go into a coma?''

'' I----I uh don't know,'' I whisper as she leans more over me.

'' don't know,huh? Let's see, you leave with my mate and leave your mate to die, you tried to kill my brother, right bitch!''

I tremble,'' I didn't do nothing to your brother but I wish I did because all the pain he put me through,'' I scream right back at her.

'' Stupid witch!Good for nothing Bitch!Your a curse on this family,'' Seven screams causing her features to shift some, so her face had dark veins overlap her eyelids and her fangs grew out, shifting little miss vampire into a insane bitch.Her hands launch out to grip my neck, pinning me down onto the bed.

I tug at the chains and open my mouth, feeling my face also shift, my skin grew and crack from the change, that was happening to me on the inside, that was breaking into the surface.A muzzle took place of my mouth causing it to open wide and snap down, catching the side of her neck. A bloody scream echos out of Seven mouth as she tumbles backwards,clenching her bleeding neck.

A tilt my head back and roar loudly as I show my blood cover caines that was about six inches and pointy sharp.'' Your a Diabolus,'' she says in a shock hush tone.

I tug on the chains with all my might at the feeling of me wanting to rip out Seven limbs from within, I had so much fury and hate built in that I had to react. The chains buckle forward then flew forward out the wall and I unclasp it so my hands was free and I waste no time as crouch forward and leap foward. My body gave out a riffle as I felt my insides shed and shake until I was in a new form. My body was broke out in black fur, my shoulders was out grown, my legs bent and grew wider, my body grew three times bigger. I was a huge freak show but I didn't care because I was out for blood.

A screams exits out my mouth as my large claw-like paws dug into the ground as I run forward and corner Seven into a wall who was baring out her fangs and was in a fighting stance.

My paw jerks out colliding into Seven chest causing to slam into the wall and bump backwards as she tries to stumble away but then she tries to bite me but I waste no time and attack at her shoulder blade, tearing in the flesh, causing us to trip and I lower my guard to get drench in the strong,metal tasting blood. Her hands hits at me but I didn't move back.

Payback was a bitch but what was happening to me.


Lyran Point of View.

A urge rush through my body as I was talking to my mother about some royal land party that was coming up soon. I frown,'' Mother, I got to go, something is happening,'' I say standing up and rush out the den but mother was right after me.

'' What is going on,'' she cries, hunching up her dress to keep up with me. A pain jerks me from inside, sending electric pain shots to flow throughout my system. I run a little faster, leading me into the nurse chamber. I run down the marble hallway, turning into Alexis hospital room and I gasp at what I seen, Seven was pinned to the wall and her her body was being ruin by a large monster.

'' Daughter,'' Mother screams out, rushing forward but I grab her arm,'' I'm queen Felina Belva and I shall not be hold back,'' she says in her demanding voice that made any loyal vampire to bow down in power, I let go.'' What it that beast,'' mother ask.

I step forward,''Alexis,'' I whisper, drawing the monster face back to me and the blood red eyes shift to the blue, I knew so well.

Mother clasp her hand to her mouth,'' Aidan mate is that,'' she whisper out.

Alexis drop Seven and runs toward me, leaving dents on the floor because the animal form was so huge and so non normal.

'' Change,'' I order and watch her form take action, the matted fur faded into soft skin and her perfect, firm body was in place and she collapses to my feet.

'' I miss you,'' she whispers lifting up her head and look at me with her blood cover mouth. I kneel down and wipe the blood off and caress her cheek.

Mother rush over to Seven and check on her,'' She is just past out,'' mother says before giving Seven her wrist so she could feed and gain energy.

'' Son, what is going on,'' mother says warily, shifting her eyes to Seven who was hungrily sucking on Mother wrist then to Alexis.

I stand up, grabbing a sheet and wrap it around Alexis form,'' Mother, she was drowning about two days ago in the waterfall and I didn't know how to save her so I gave her my blood than----'' I trails off trying to remember,'' There was a voice said to save her by giving her the' Kiss of Blood'.''

A gasp left mother mouth,'' No! She is not human no more----it's mean that she is likes you-----no, I think she stronger. Son is she a hybrid?''

I rake my hand through my tousled blond hair,'' Mother what did I do,'' I whisper.

'' I know what I'm going to do,'' A man voice enters the room,'' Kill you.''

I snap my head up to see Aidan and he was in his full immortal vampire form, he looks starve and Alexis stumbles backwards and Aidan leap forward and right at me.


Quick Note:

Cliff-hanger and hope you'll vote, comment and fan me also promote this story so the new chapter can be out soon.;D

The chapters only going to be about two pages long because I can't seem to write long chapters for this story at all, sorry but it shall keep you on your feet,' wondering what the hell is going to happen'? ;D

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