Chpater 17: Tossing in my memories

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****Not edited

Alexis Point of View.

There Aidan stood in the doorway of my hospital room glaring at Lyran with so much hatred. I didn't even know if I wanted to go up to Aidan and tear him apart or run into his arms and cry.My legs start to tremble and they gave out on me and immediately Lyran had grab my waist, holding me up.

'' Hands off my mate,'' Aidan hisses and bums rush forward to tackle Lyran in the process knocking me to the side, causing me to hit my head. I groan, turning slightly to see Lyran had upper cut Aidan in the face and went down with a kick in the knee. Queen Felina lets out a loud screech as she moves to get in front of them and shove them away from each other.

 '' As Queen and your mother I demand you to stop this mess,'' she yells.

Aiden lets out a furious scream as he tumbles away from Lyran while he was wiping off the blood that was on his now bruise lip.'' He is stealing my mate!''

Lyran pulls me upward,'' I'm Prince Lyran and I refuse that she is your mate but mine.''

 A nasty deep hiss flows from his gritted teeth,'' I'm soon to be a King of the middle lands of immortals and I will not let you take my mate away.''

           '' I love her and you don't want her since I mark her,'' Lyran says, just as a full smirk spread across his lips.

   '' No you haven't,'' Aidan says, his green eyes flicker to a cold red that made my heart freeze up. Lyran leans toward me and he whispers in my ear telling me to step toward Aidan at first, I wanted to protest but my body gave into his demand and I walk forward.

      Aidan grabs a hold of my wrist, tugging me toward him until his nose brush against my throat and he growls,'' Why does she smells like a mutt,'' he asks, tossing me back into Lyran arms.

   '' I turn her into my kind, now she is mine,'' Lyan barks out in a laugh.

                          '' SHE IS MINE!'' Aidan hisses, bowling up his fists and rush forward but Queen Felina moves in front of me.

        '' Why does it has to be her,'' calls out that girlie voice who belong to Seven, who had stumble to her feet and look around the room in so much pain,'' No one cares about me!'' Seven took off in a run and a small cries escapes her mouth before she was gone from sight.

           '' Daughter!'' Queen Felina yells out before she turns to look at us with disproving looks,''Aidan and Lyran as far as I could tell, both of you are fated to Alexis but one will end in pain and sadly I can tell who it's going to be,'' she tells us before she walks off with with a fluttery, ballet step in her walk.

         '' Alexis!'' Aidan exclaims grabbing my arm and tug me forward into his arms,'' I'm so sorry.''

          Lyran frowns but shrug his shoulders before he vanish from the room to give us alone time.

I look into his cold handsome features but I didn't feel anything remorse,''Let go!'' He lets go of me immediately before he moves us to the bed so we sat down together.

            '' What did he turn you into?'' Aidan asks,placing his hand on my chin. I push his hand away,  '' Are you afraid of me,'' he asks. I nod and ran my hand shakily through my hair looking into his green eyes that was shading to a sad looking feeling.

          '' I want to go home,'' I whipser leaning away from him, waiting for his punches but none had come which made me compelty shock.

      '' You can't, your immortal...I believe.''

My Guilty Pleasure of Love(Completed, Editing)Where stories live. Discover now