Chapter 5: Stupid Prince addicted to me

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2013: Edited for Grammar but is still lacking some detail.

Chapter 5:      

 The beast was shaped as a wolf but twice its size with thick dark blond fur, running along the human flesh of this man.                 

         The beast bared it sharp canines at me and growled loudly. I was frozen in horror as my eyes soon watch it thump one his large paws against the ground. Meaning it may charge and probably at me. My eyes widen in horror as I feel my heart slam into my rib cage.

        I bite my lip, trying to keep it from trembling because I was scared to make any moves. ''Please,'' I murmur under my breath.

 The wolf tosses back its head and howled and it took a step away from me.

    I tumble backwards trying to get away but I ended up tumbling down on to my butt. I try my best to start crawling backwards away from the wolf but it follow after me with the same pace I had.

 My back slump against a tree meaning that I was trapped; I was stuck as an inhuman wolf glares at me.

       The wolf muzzle closed as it shook side to side as it turns away from me quickly and ran off the way it came.

I gasp, ''Thank you god.” I climb to my feet and took off running through the woods but I stop when a warm hand reaching out to grab my arm. Sending me slamming into a hard brick wall at first it felt like a wall but it was a male, a built male.

          ''Well... I caught my meal, I see,'' says that same voice from before in the woods that had that thick, rich roman accent.

          I met blue eyes but this time it was a form of a tall tan man, nude at that.

 He had long shaggy brownish blond hair that sweep to the side but was long to his shoulders.

         ''Please don't kill me,'' I cry out as I shake my head side to the side as my blue eyes widen in fear.

                   ''Who ever said that,'' he asks as he puts some space between us and he glances down at me.

''You did,'' I say staring at him confused. “Just a moment ago, you said that.”

        He groans, ''Stupid emotions.”

         I tilt my head to the side as my eyes trail down to his fitted boarded shoulders then to his smooth six pack chest cover in sweat.

     I gulp closing my eyes for a moment; he was crazy, yes crazy.

       ''Come with me,'' he says and he start to walk towards the woods again but I stood still. This was my chance to make a run for it but I had a feeling I wouldn’t get that far to begin with.

 He turns half way sending me a bright smile and my heart stop but wasn't a moment ago he was mad.

           ''Don't be silly I wasn't mad,'' he says in a nonchalant tone and he turns away so he could continue walking.

I took a deep breath,'' you can read my mind,'' I ask as I follow after him.

 ''Nope,'' he says and we went on walking.

         I couldn't help but glance down at his nude butt. Hey, you couldn’t blame me! It was in nude sight!

   After awhile we came up to a cave, ''Wait here,'' he says and disappears inside the dark cave for some minutes.

 He came back out in baggy jeans and a huge smile on his lips as he holds a black jacket.

           ''Here,'' he says and tosses the coat at me and I slip it on feeling the warmness.

           ''Who are you because I had a crazy week,” I ask, feeling all my thoughts and questions wanting to pour out. “I meet a family of vampires I believe or I may just be in a nightmare that I can’t wake up from. Also, I guess I’m a witch and if I guess right you’re a freaking wolf,'' I yell out in pure shock and I was still so, so confused on this whole situation.

 He laughs; really right in my face even tears appear in his eyes,'' Silly,'' he laughs and turn his back on me.

        ''Wait your name is Silly,'' I ask him.

 He shakes his head, ''No, I'm Lyran,'' he says and took off running.

  My eyes widen.'' Hey, get back here,'' I yell after at him and I was off running. After a while we slowed down so walk side by side along the damp, muddy ground in the forest.

         ''So, Lyran can you tell me that I’m not crazy and you’re not really a wolf,'' I ask him, hoping this was all for a movie or a sick-sick twisted joke.

Sadly, he only shakes his head and walks faster down a deep hill that rounded into----wait it was a blue lake.

        ''Water,'' I cry out in joy and I quickly slip the coat off my shoulders and run to the shore as the warm water comes to my knees.

 I turn to face Lyran who was smirking at me. ''I leave,'' he says and walks off.

           I really don't care who this guy was because I hope everything that was happening to me was a dream.

 I slip out my torn dress and jump into the water until it cover my head, after a minute I came up for air, brushing my wet black hair out my face.

           ''Yes,'' I exclaim in happiness as a smile forms on my face as I go to float on my back so I could stare up to the dark sky.

 ''Get away,'' Lyran yells out from the distance and I quickly snap back into the real world.

           I didn't see anything but the high tree branches around me so maybe I was hearing things but I soon heard things crashing and I gasp when Aidan appear at the shore of the lake.

         ''Ah, you didn't get away,'' he says as his green eyes shined.

I slip deeper in the water,'' Leave me alone.''

         ''Come here now,'' he hisses, picking up the coat I drop on the ground.

 I sigh, knowing very well not to piss him off and I swam back to the shore where Aidan slips the coat over me.  Zipping it up as it cling on to my wet body as it stops at my knees.

      ''You thought you could get away but no your scent is stuck and I'm addicted to it,''

    I frown as he locks his arm around my waist and I didn't speak.

              Damn, I was caught again!

 Lyran, the crazy dude I been following for hours was probably died now thanks to me.

I'm stuck with this bipolar Prince; this is a horrible nightmare that I couldn’t wake up from.

Quick Note;

  Picture of Lyran(kind of looks how I picture him.)

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