Boring morning

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        Oh shut the hell up. I thought angerly. I picked up the first thing i saw, which was a shoe, and threw it at the stupid alarm clock. "Charlotte get down here, NOW!" the 'wicked witch of the west'said.  I horried and picked out my clothes. I picked a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a green tank top, and a gigantic black hoodie. I know what your thinking, 'really, is she some kind of hobo or something?', and the answer is no i just am not allowed to have nice things unless i pay for it. Which i cant because  Veranda(foster mum) and Tyler(foster dad) take all my money i earn to buy drugs. 

        I came out of the bathroom and speed walked to the kitchen to see what Veranda needs. "Oh there you are, finally," she said in a snotty tone "Make breakfast you fucking whore!" i went over to the refridgerator to get out the stuff to make scrambled eggs with, because its my little sister's favorite. I horridly got a mixing bowl and a fork then started cracking, scrambling, and cooking the eggs so i could get to the school bus on time. 

     I got up from the table after eating nothing when i got stopped at the door. "Where do you think your going?"Tyler asked. 

        "I have to go to school so, please can you get out of my way?"I politely asked.

        "No, you are going to go clean up the mess." 

        "But I have to go."That was it he had it. He swung his fist back and punched me in the stomache, I dropped to the floor in pain. Tyler kicked me in the stomache 7 times and then left. I'm pretty sure he broke my ribs. I tried to stand but couln't so i grabbed the door handle and lifted myself up. I slowly waddled to the bathroom and got the first aid kit to start patching myself up.

        Fucking great morning for me. I thought angrly


Hey readers, hows the book so far. I hope ya'll like it im working my butt of so it'll be totally awesome.


Me: do those things my penguins

Charlotte: my peeps are not your penguins their mine

Me: Nuh uh 

Charlotte: Yup

Me: Luke 

'Luke pops up' 

Luke: yes Lexi 

Me: Charlottes being mean

Charlotte: No i'm not 'puts on a fake pouty face'

Luke: I think Lexi's right 

Me: Yay  'gives Luke a kiss on the cheek'

Charlotte:Thats not fair 

Me: yes it....

'Luke jumps up and yells' 

Luke: Goodbye

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