Chapter 36- Us in the End

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The tears that clouded my eyes grew heavy and slid down my blushed face and onto Hannah's limp body. Her heart beat irrhythmically and chaotically in her chest, yet the pulses were soft whispers of what they should be. Her breaths came harsh and deep, yet she only put energy into them every minute or so. I ran with her body in my arms, Louis and the rest of the guard followed distantly behind me. My mind was brimming with thoughts and anger, screaming at me to kill. I wanted to kill whoever had done this. The passion within me burned like an eternal flame that could only be extinguished with the enemy's blood. The front of the school. That is where I ended up facing the murderer. The front of the school, that's where it happened in the past. That's where it all started. And where it's going to end. I thought. My heart was so full of hate that I could not stand to feel compassion or understanding for the enemy. He stood, wearing the white undershirt of our school's uniform. His jacket thrown aside for it had been soiled with Hannah's blood and small bits of her flesh. A blade, stained with the deep red liquid that nurtured a life, hung from his hand. His face, once pure and untouched by imperfection, had crimson smeared on its plane. His wicked smile brandished his perfectly white, dagger-like teeth. While his pale, feline eyes bore holes into my soul.

"Kai." I hissed through gritted teeth.

His sinister grin widened as his name left my clenched teeth, "Long time no see." He mused, "Oh good, we have friends." He said excitedly as the rest of the guard stood behind me to join us.

"I'm going to kill you!" I growled, my body itching to rip out his throat and tear those sinful lips from his face so that he could no longer grin.

"It looks like you have your hands a bit full there." He mused, glancing at Hannah, "She did make a mess of things, didn't she?"

I was boiling with anger; how could I not have seen it!? He was here the whole time, plotting! And we let him get this close! I let him do this! Why is he doing this? Does it matter? He must die! I thought through all of our encounters and questions arose in my head.

"Why didn't you just let me die?!" I yelled, recalling the night I awoke and he had been the one who essentially saved my life, "The awakening, you could have let me die! Why go through the trouble?!"

He chuckled darkly, "Who said I wanted you dead? I need you very much alive."

Why? Why? Why? That question burned my mind, why does he want me alive? Why did he do this to Hannah? Why didn't I catch on sooner? Another memory played through my mind, "Relax," Kai said, I heard him pace closer to us, Louis tightened his hold on my body, "I am not here to harm you or the school, I am simply here to warn you."

"Warn me of what?" Louis said suspiciously.

"Father." Kai said simply.

"What?" Louis said confused.

"Father, he has been injured and he is coming." Kai said striding closer, I turned around in Louis's arms so I was facing Kai and not Louis's chest.

"What's happened?" Louis said, now hugging my body from behind.

"Mother found out father's true intentions on marrying her, power. Father never truly loved her, you and I both knew that. But as they say love is blind, and mother just recently found out that father was only after her power and wealth, and that he had been screwing other women behind her back. After I left the school I went home unable to go anywhere else, and I found father barely alive. It seems that they fought and in a blind rage mother steaked father, though she did not completely pierce his heart, a piece of the wood was left in father's heart weakening him substantially." Kai finished...."So, Kai is the one who turned you." I stated the obvious. Thinking back to the dream I had of the sweet innocent Kai, "Why does he call you brother? Even your last names are different."

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