07: Plan A, Act, and Lies

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UNEDITED :) hope you'll like it <3


"Harry!! HARRY EDWARD STYLES!!" I shouted.

No answers.


"Ugh.. What?" He said walking up the stairs with those sleepy eyes and messy hair and plus, raspy morning voice.


"Make your bed." I said and I go to my room but he stopped.

"What? You were shouting like a girl who has a poo sticks on their Jimmy Choo."

"Well clearly I am not that girl."

"But you were shouting like never before, I came all the way down there to up here just to make my bed? What the hell is that?" He run his fingers through his messy-messy hair.

"Don't be a girl about it." I said and he rolls his eyes. "Oh c'mon, is not that bad." I said but he looks away.

"Just make your bed and I'll make some breakfast for us, okay?" I leaned and kiss his cheek. He narrowed his eyes.

"O-okay.." He stuttered and I smile then head to the kitchen downstairs.


"Breakfast's ready!" I shouted and put the orange juice into the empty glasses. It took him about a second just to come down here, yup faster than earlier.

He sat down taking a bite of his pancake then takes a sip of the fresh orange juice.

Wish we could stay like this forever, if Harry's happy, then I am happy.

"By the way Camila.. Uh.. Still on for tonight?.." He asked and I jump.

"Of course." I said and eat my breakfast.

"It's tonight's at 7 yeah?"

"Sure," I said and he nods.

"And uh.. Thank you for the food Camila." He said and I smile, nodding.

Harry's POV :

"Harry!! HARRY EDWARD STYLES!!" She shouted.

I didn't answer.

"HARRY MOTHER'EFFING STYLES!!" She shouted again, louder this time. I groaned and I go upstairs.

"Ugh.. What?" I asked.

"Make your bed." She said and goes to her room but I stop her.

"What? You were shouting like a girl who has a poo sticks on their Jimmy Choo heels."

"Well clearly I am not that girl."

"But you were shouting like never before, I came all the way down there to up here just to make my bed? What the hell is that?" I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Don't be a girl about it." She said and I rolled my eyes. "Oh c'mon, is not that bad." She said but I didn't listened.

"Just make your bed and I'll make some breakfast for us, okay?" She leaned and kisses my cheek.

What did the girl just do?

"O-okay.." I surprisingly stuttered and then she smiled then head to the kitchen downstairs.


She's been acting pretty weird, I'm pretty sure I had her yesterday and it works, yeah my plan works. To crush her and her little heart. And I believe I made her cry.

But now what? She's acting like a girl that fallen in love for the first time. Acting really sweet, kind, cute, and lovable, and-.. Wait what?

No Harry, you have Kendall. If I think about it, Kendall is a tall girl with a flawless skin, fashionable and a hot body. Compare her with Camila, very different.


"Harry!" She smacks my shoulder.

"Ouch.. What?.."

"Could you zip it up?"

"And why would I do that for you?"

"It's because you're the only here other than myself?" She said and I roll my eyes, I stood up from the sofa and walk towards her. She put her hair to one side to the front waiting for me to zip the zipper up.

She smells.. So fucking good..

"H-Harry?.. What are you doing?" She asked shockingly and move a little but further.

I was smelling her vanilla-sweet scent around her neck and I ended up kissing her neck? The fuck is wrong to me?

"S-sorry.. It's just you look nice." I said and she smiles.

"You're acting weird now Harry." She said and I narrow me eyes on her.

"Maybe you are the one who acts differently than yesterday?"

"What? Can't I just be happy for a day?" She asked and I don't answer. I went to my room instead.

Camila's POV :

"Lauren.. I don't think it's working.." I said through the phone.


aye another update because i love you


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