15: Walk Away, Ran Away, and Lies

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hello! :)

thanks for your lovely support, it helps. Thank you thank you thank you so much :)

and if you're having the same problem like i am, remember that you are not worthless, your life is precious, we care. I promise.


"Are you ready?" Harry asked, looking at me in the eyes.

I don't know why but my eyes shed a tear. Maybe, knowing that this is the last day I would be seeing him.

I sighed, squeezing my eyes to make the tears go away. "I'm ready," I said with my cracked voice. "Just to let you know that, I had fun." I smiled and he loses his smile.

"Me too," He agrees. "A lot of fun." he continues.

I bowed my head, thinking all I've done in the past. "I'm ready," I repeated, he smiles and pulled me into a hug.

I hope this works. I said to myself.

"See you soon. I hope we can meet again." he said, holding my hands before opening the door. As the door opened, he untied his hands from mine.

He bowed his head down, signaling it's time to do it.

"Harry." I starts. "I can't do this." I walk away from him, I crossed my hands.

"What do you mean?" He raised his eyebrow.

"This." I swing my arms. "This is bullshit! I thought you were going to conceal the bad things that had ever happen to me, but instead you open the wound and makes me start over again." I shouted.

"Don't be such an egomaniac Cam-.."

"No! You think being a famous singer would makes you such a leader? A King? A ruler? Well you thought wrong!" I pointed at him.

The aura in this room is getting uncomfortable, I feel like we weren't acting. I feel like he meant his words. Everyone was quiet, especially Louis.

"What about you?" he starts. "Good thing I was a nice guy. Because I'm pretty sure I've spent half of my money on you, I bought you expensive clothes and jewelry, and you still want more? What the fuck do you want?"

"I don't fucking need those things." I start slow.

"Then what the fuck is it?" His face was centimenters away, I feel like our words are meant to be said, I feel like I just want him to know something. Something that I hide, something that I'm afraid of, something that makes me cry on my bed before I go to bed.

I feel used. Even though, we are not together, I feel being used.

"I want you," I said, "I really do." I continued. "But now it's too late because of her!"

I was talking about Kendall.

I ran to the door, but Harry pushed the door closed. "What about her? Are you je-"

"I am not. I heard lots of things from you guys. I have enough of hearing you two having your own business." I opened the door but he stopped me.

"Wait." he realizes something. "Do you love me? Do you really?.." He asks. Something tells me that he's being serious.

"I did." I said. "Unfortunately, it was a mistake." I lied, I opened the door, grabbed my stuff and left the house with a taxi.

So that was it?..

What am I suppose to do now?

Where am I suppose to go?

I don't think my family will ever accept me anymore, because I ran away from house in the middle of the night just to get this job.

I think it's better for me to take a break.

Beep beep

"Where are you going?" The text says. It was from Harry.

I closed my eyes, I decided to text back about 5 minutes later.

C: "Taking a break."

And then, he called. "Where are you going?" He repeated his previous question.

"Don't follow me," I said. "Not until I told you to," I added. 

Am I going to tell him?


I don't know.

"Promise me." I continued, it was silent for few seconds. Maybe he ended the call? I took a look at the screen, he was still on the line. I wait for few seconds to one minute. I almost pressed the end button, but someone pulled out a sigh.

"Promise." He said finally.

Starring Role ➵ camarryWhere stories live. Discover now