A Fated Meeting

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100,000 years ago

It had been a very long since Mo Yuan had visited Zhe Yans Peach Tree Grove to meditate, mainly because he could never find the time.  His life was full and busy because not only was he the worlds only War God, he was also the Master of Kunlun Mountain to Sixteen Disciples, as well as the Heavenly Ruler otherwise known as the Overlord of the Celestial Heavens.

Though he always found time to meditate, it was as important to him as breathing, but usually he used his meditation cave on Kunlun Mountain for the divine energy that his cave was saturated in.  Only, lately his thoughts had been drifting back to his youth, when life was less demanding and more carefree and a time where he seemed to always find time for leisurely pursuits.

One of which was assisting Zhe Yan with his Peach Tree Grove.  Creating many of the small features that were dotted about the Grove had become a favoured past time for both men, and because Zhe Yan had allowed him to create many of the waterfall features, he had decided to create a special one for his own use which was only known about to the two of them.  

When he had been a young boy, his father had ruled over the Heavens as well as Kunlun Mountain, and having created many of the Mountains features which he now enjoyed, there had had once been a small rock pool with it's own waterfall that his father had created solely for his own pleasure, but after his fathers death the rock pool was soon forgotten about, until eventually it fell  into such a state of disrepair, that in the end Mo Yuan got rid of it completely.

But it was when he was assisting Zhe Yan with his Peach Tree Grove, that the rock pool came back to him.  Many times as a child, he would see his father enter the water and disappear behind the cascade leaving him confused because there was nowhere to go behind the water or that's what he had thought.  But it would be many many years, before he understood his father had created a meditation cave behind the waterfall which was not visible because he had used a very powerful magic to hide it in order to meditate in peace.

So with Zhe Yans permission, Mo Yuan had created an exact replica of his fathers rock pool with a meditation cave hidden behind the cascade.  Not only did have a good view of the pool from behind the waterfall, no one beyond it could see him or his cave.  And when he wasn't using it, the entire surrounds were hidden behind a thick barrier because the rock pool was solely for his own pleasure.

Now visiting his rock pool for the first time in centuries, he was surprised to find it in the exact order he had left it in.  Determining that Zhe Yan had visited to maintain his private area himself, he smiled gratefully.  Not only had he maintained the beautiful flower gardens and lush greenery that surrounded his rock pool, but the water itself was crystal clear and the Peach Trees were not only blooming fragrantly, they were now fully grown and standing majestically.

It was such a beautiful spot, he began to wonder why he had not visited for so long,  Raising his head to the sky,  it was just after mid morning so there was plenty of time to enjoy his daily meditation in peace before he had to head back to his Disciples.

Entering the small cave behind the waterfall, the dais was also in good condition, though he did notice Zhe Yan had replaced the flax mat with a new one.  So sitting down in the lotus position, he closed his eyes and began to focus on the soft sounds of the water before completely losing himself to his inner mind which he then closed down with ease.

It seemed as if he had only just closed his eyes when the soft sounds of crying could be heard, though it had actually been several hours.  Opening his eyes, he looked out towards the Grove and seeing where the shadows lay on the ground, he realized it was late afternoon.  Though the moment he moved to rise, the sudden appearance of a little girl flopping down on the edge of his rock pool, had him quickly sitting back down.

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