The Birthday Party

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20,000 years ago

"Mi Gu, what are you doing here?" Bai Qian asked as her Tree Sprite wove his way through the crowd of drunken Mortal men who had entered the tavern from a nearby festival for the final storytelling of the day.

"Gu Gu." he puffed as he reached the top balcony to take the last few steps towards her table which was always reserved for her one day a week.    

She had been in the Mortal Realm for three years which is the equivalent of only three days in the Immortal Realm.  And most of that time was spent at her private Mortal Realm home.  A beautiful large log cabin built into the side of a wind swept cliff that overlooked the ocean.  

With Bai Zhens help and two trustworthy friends he had made among the Mortals, her home was not only beautiful, comfortable and warm, but it had taken a large amount of effort and magic to build it into the side of a cliff without being seen.   

But for a handsome payment that would see his friends lead very wealthy lives, while keeping quiet about her and her home, she finally had a place to go to that only Bai Zhen knew about.  No other Immortal even knew she had a Mortal Realm home, but it was hers, and the tranquility and peace that it gave her when she needed a break from her duties saw her staying much longer than she intended.

 It was completely private with no access to anyone but herself because there were no roads or paths that led to it.  And nor could it be seen from the beach below, because the entrance was behind a thick barrier, it was the perfect hideaway.

And one day a week, she would visit the local tavern to watch the latest storytelling and plays.  Her table had become a reserved one that the tavern owner kept solely for her, and that was because she always paid with pearls, was polite and caused no trouble.  And it was there that Mi Gu found her sitting enthralled with the newest play to their world.  

Standing as he reached her table, she raked his clothing with a grimace.  "Mi Gu, you know you cannot enter the Mortal Realm dressed like that, you stand out too much." she gently chided him as he quickly raised his hands to bow, only to have them pushed back down roughly.

"And you also know not to draw attention to me either." she snapped now becoming angry, but taking in the look on his face, she quickly pushed it back down.  He would never have come looking for her there without a disguise unless something was wrong.

Looking over his shoulder at goodness knows what, Bai Qian snatched up her coat and put it on.

"Gu Gu, Forth Brother sent me to collect you.  You have to come home, the Empress is tearing the Peach Grove apart searching for you." he whispered breathlessly, wide eyed and looking very fearful.

"What? Why?" she asked stunned. 

 She had only been gone for three days.  Quickly thinking back over the past few days and then weeks,she couldn't come up with anything that would anger her that much.  She rarely got herself into trouble with her mother, and even when she did, it was over trivial things.  Her mischievous days came to an end the day she took on the mantel of Queen.  With a large Clan to take care of, Bai Qian took her duties seriously.  She had implemented a new way of life for her people that ensured they all prospered, were happy and healthy.

Though, the only thing that really saw her butt heads with both of her parents was her lack of a husband.  She just wasn't interested, and because Bai Zhen had not married, and nor was he showing any signs of wanting to marry, they could not force her. Her brother was her saving grace, and she used it every time they brought the subject up.

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